Chapter 25: Missing Assignments

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Ah!~ Yes (Y/N) right there!~I love your giant cock in my cunt!~" Weiss moaned as her face was buried in her pillow as I held her hips and thrust into her from behind.

It's been about a week and a half since our date and night of passion and things have gotten more interesting here at Beacon. Let's say since then Weiss has been a bit... addicted to having sex, more then, Glynda, Yang, Blake and the Malachite twin and doesn't have the self control as the others which is shocking really. I thought after her first time she would go back to her normal, calm, formal and cold self, but after that night she became... sexually active with me so to speak.

Since then we both had sex any chance we have but most of the time it was her starting it or even doing it without my permission. Most of the times where she has gotten the urge and dragged me either in the bathroom or at one of our dorms and we'd go at it or I'd be relaxing and she would just have her way. But there's been a few cases where Weiss couldn't hold herself and we'd be in class and I'd would be sitting next to her only for her to unzip my pants and proceeded to give me a handjob under the desk in the middle of the class. Not gonna lie, it was both exciting and scary, exciting because she's willing to do that in public but scary because we can get caught. If we're not having sex and just relaxing then let's say she like to water... revealing clothing in private and if we're alone. Here we are in her dorm on her bed after a long day of class she wanted to relieve some stress, the rest of her team went to the gym to train or more specifically Yang dragged Blake and Ruby who tried to resist but were no match for her strength, and the twins went back to go to Professor Peach to pick up Wilson. But now here we are in her dorm having passionate sex as I continued to thrust in her and gave her a firm slap on her left cheek causing her to let out a loud blissful moan.

"Oh Oum!~ slap it harder!~" Weiss moaned in ecstasy and I complied and gave her ass a few more firm slaps as I thrust in her but I felt the pressure build up.

"Weiss! I'm about to-!" I tried to warn only to be cut off my Wiess.

"Yes cum in me! I want to feel your warm seed inside me!~" She moaned as I couldn't hold it anymore and with one last thrust, I came in inside her as we both let out one last moan and her face looked completely blissful and her legs shot up in the air. I pulled out and l collapsed on the bed next to her as we were breathing heavily.


"Wow..." Weiss said with a satisfied look as she snuggled close to me. "Amazing as always."

"Thanks, I try my best." I chuckled confidently as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "Though I'm still a little surprise about you."

"Suprise about what?"

"That you went from this calmed and sophistcated girl to a sexual deviant that can't hold herself back, more so than me." I said only for her to pout and softly hit me on my chest.

"I can't help myself okay. It's hard to hold myself back when I have a man that can satisfy me.~" She said seductively as she leaned up and planted her lips with mine. We got stuck in another heated male out session as I felt her hands trailed down to my lower region, but just as we were about to go for another round my scroll vibrated on the next stands next to me. We pulled away from each other as Weiss let out an annoyed groaned and I reached over my scroll to see I got a message from Melanie.

"What is it?" Weiss asked as I took a moment to read the message before answering.

"Melanie texted me that Professor Peach wishes to speak with me as soon as possible." I answered.

"But your knowledge with Dust is very impressive and you get good grades on the test. So why are you failing?" She asked as I softly chuckled, over the time of my vigilante work I had to manufacture my own dust infused arrows. It took a few attempts, some more painful than others but over time I got a good handle on working with dust.

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