Chapter 12: A Date with Blake

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After entering my dorm I had to prepare for my little date with a certain kitty faunus, Blake Bellabooty, can't wait to tease her about the new name I gave her. But that's something I can do later, for now I need to get ready, walking to the dresser I pulled out some clothes. Deciding not to put on my normal outfit I decided to put something else on since this is a date after all and need to wear something different. After getting dressed I am now wearing a plain white shirt with a black jacket over it and I was wearing blue jeans.

 After getting dressed I am now wearing a plain white shirt with a black jacket over it and I was wearing blue jeans

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(This is what you are wearing.)

Now that I am now fully dressed I walked out of my dorm and began to walk through the hallway to Team RWBY's dorm, until I heard a stern voice behind me.

"Where do you think your going Mr.(L/N)?" I turned around to see Glynda glaring at me with her arms crossed.

"I'm going on a date. Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to cancel your little date then Mr.(L/N)." Glynda said as I looked at her questionably.

"Why do I need to cancel, I did nothing wrong."

"Did you forget what Ozpin said to you?" She asked as I walked up to her.

"Uh yeah he said I basically I need to do more work here at Beacon if I still want to be a vigilante." I whispered to her making sure no one was around able to hear me.

"And since you miss this morning's class you will have detention with me to make up what you missed." Glynda said sounding irritated that she had to do it.

"It doesn't sound like you want to do it. Look I can do this tomorrow but right now is not the best time, besides, a beautiful woman like you, you must have a guy waiting at home." I said as a faint blush appeared on her face but when I mentioned the guy she looked a little upset.

"I-I guess we can reschedule for tomorrow." She said as she then turned around and walked away quickly before I got a chance to ask what was wrong.

"I'm sure she fine... I hope." I said before turning around and continued to walk to Team RWBY's dorm. After walking for a few moments I reached the dorm, I knocked on the door and waited until the door opened to see Blake in her normal outfit. "Hey Blake."

"Hey (Y/N)." She greeted with a faint blush as she looked at what I was wearing. "You look h-handsome."

"And you look as beautiful as ever.~" I said flirtatiously making her face redden. 'Man I'm good.' I thought proudly.

"Ready to head out?" She asks timidly as I looked over her to see that she was the only one in her dorm.

"Yeah I'm ready but where's the rest of your team, I expect you all to be here after class?" I asked.

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