Chapter 32: Intense Workout~ (Lemon)

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-(Y/N) POV-

Some time has passed since my date with Velvet and some things have happened since then. First Velvet has been hanging with me a lot more mainly in my dorm but a few times her team leader and friend, Coco also came along and gotta say she's an interesting girl. The two easily adored Wilson when I introduced him to the two which was sweet to see especially when the little guy was playing with Velvet's ears or when Coco put her sunglasses on him. Though it did lead Velvet to consider having kids but she shook the thought off but with her heat approaching it's only a matter of time if she can hold off until she's ready. There were a few times where she and I got into a heated makeout session but before things went to the next level she would stop herself, still a little scared and nervous about taking that next step. Even with her heat getting closer and her body aching for it, she wants her first time to be special and not because of her heat, which I understood and wouldn't mind waiting. As for Coco she visited a few times bringing me small baby clothes for Wilson, almost spoiling him in some way, but while she was hanging in my dorm she did mention her interest in me but she's still skeptical of me and is mostly keeping an eye on me to see if I'm the right man for Velvet. Other than that me and Coco seem to get along pretty well.

For my lovely girlfriends things have been pretty quite so to speak, the Twins have been fairly quiet except the few times they woke me up in the middle of the night for... attention. But since coming to Beacon late, they had to catch up and with the help of Weiss they were able to catch up. Dinah who has been going out with me at night to patrol Vale to watch my back and to keep me company, which is nice to have someone to talk to and someone to watch my back. While she is now attending Beacon she too needed to catch up on some work but luckily the Twins were there to help her, which I told them to do and they demanded payment which you all basically know at this point. When we went out on patrol we were keeping an eye out for the League of Assassins but no sign of them at all and crime was relatively quiet. Since crime has calmed down a bit, me and her would often spar or even take the night off to relax or to catch up on homework, seeing how I want to avoid all the missing assignments again.

Then there is Nora, who at this point I'll say is my girlfriend since she has been rather clingy with me, even woke up one morning with her on top of me. I was confused at first until she smashed her lips onto mine before she demanded those pancakes I promised her when me and Ruby baked cookies. I remembered chuckling at her antics and agreed to make pancakes with her that morning and extra for my team. That was when she confessed to me, I told her she'll need to ask the rest of the girls but I basically accepted her confession which led her to smile brightly and pinned me against the wall and kissed me. It was getting rather heated and almost did it in the kitchen until we smelled smoke coming from the burning pancakes. We sadly couldn't save the pancakes but we still had plenty of pancakes to make but when I asked her her relationship with Ren, she simply told me he's like an older brother to him and he was actually to support or in his case, beg her to date me. I wonder why? Besides that morning went well with a crap ton of pancakes on the table and later the girls accepted her so now I have to deal with the hyperactive pancake girl... yeah I'm going to have my hands full. It doesn't help as of lately she's been rather... suggestive with her desires seeing how I already did the deed with my girlfriends except for her yet.

For Team RWBY things have evening going pretty well, especially after three of the girls decided to join the fun when me and Ruby first did the deed. Ruby acts like her usual self but isn't so innocent anymore, she tends to hide her knowledge of sexual innuendos in public and from her team to hide the fact she did a lot of research.' Though while she keeps her sexual side a secret from the public and hides it pretty well actually, it's just when we're alone that the other side of her takes over, even when I try to protest she uses her cuteness to win me over and I can't really say no when she gives me those damn puppy eyes. And to my surprise the more we do it the more better she becomes in bed and is even open to new and interesting... positions. In general Ruby was a super pervert that hides her pervert side underneath her sweet and innocent side, which I liked and feared at the same time. One moment she is sweet and innocent and next thing I know she is pinning on the bed or up against the wall and begging for it. When I don't give it to her she can get scary by threatening me with her scythe and looking like she wants to end me, so normally I'd give in to her demands, but we're both happy with each other.

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