Chapter 13: Cheering Up Glynda

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-Blake POV-

I slowly opened my eyes feeling a warm embrace around me, my vision was a bit blurry so I rubbed my eyes. After that my vision cleared I looked around to see it was still fairly dark and I looked at the clock to see it is 4:32 a.m. before I let out a tired yawn ready to go back to bed until I turned back around to see little Wilson sleeping soundlessly next me, I smiled brightly placing my hand in him. I've never felt like this before and to be honest, I really like the feeling, the moment I held Wilson in my arms I didn't want to let him go. But not only did I want to let him go I didn't want to leave his side, maybe it has something to do with him being a Faunus but I don't know, all I know is that I want to be there.

As I watched Wilson sleep I realized that he was sleeping an (Y/N)'s bare chest, I looked down to see an arm wrapped around my waist and I was very close to him. I felt my cheeks warm up from being so close to him and it didn't help he was shirtless while the the only thing I had on was one of his shirts. And being so close to him brought me another smile and being in his arms I felt comfort even felt safe with him. But I noticed that he was hiding something, I'm not sure what but throughout the day on our date whenever we talked I can tell that he was being cautious on what he say. And I can tell since I was doing that as well, I just don't know how he'll react if he finds out the truth about myself. But I'm sure he's keeping whatever he has a secret because he wants a second chance, and maybe someday we can tell each other our secrets. I then felt myself getting tired again as I moved closer, resting my head on his shoulder before i felt my eyes gore heavy and slowly closing them before falling asleep

-(Y/N) POV-

I laid peacefully in my bed sleeping with Blake beside me and Wilson in my chest, but I was then woken up when I heard knocking at the door. I slowly opens my eyes letting out a groan and looked at the clock to see it's 7:32 a.m. and I groaned. 'Can't I just sleep in, it's Saturday.' I thought as I groaned louder wanting by to just sleep. But I later realized when I groaned I felt Wilson stirred in his sleep but luckily didn't wake up Wilson or Blake but then another knocked was heard, but this time was louder. The loud knocking woke up Wilson as he started to sniff and was about to cry and I started to panic since I didn't want to anyone to hear that I have a baby here. But thank Oum Blake heard that he was about to cry and quickly sat up and quickly tied her bow on her head before she picked him up and calming him down.

"That was close." I said tiredly, sitting up and letting out a yawn until we heard the knocking again.

"Do you mind getting the door while I keep him quiet." Blake said looking at Wilson who was awake but looked up at Blake tiredly before letting out a cute yawn. I smiled but the loud knocked caught my attention again making me sigh and get up before I walked up to the door. Opening the door the rest of Team RWBY stood in front of me in their academy uniforms, when they saw me shirtless exposing my well built body and scars, making them blush as they stared at my body making me smirk. "What brings you girls to here?"

"U-Um... W-We were wondering if... you've seen Blake? S-She didn't come back last night a-and we're starting to get worried." Ruby explained nervously but also stuttered as she kept staring at my bare chest making her blush more.

"Well, you girls don't have to worry she stayed here for the night." I said as they looked surprised but blushed harder.

"D-Did you two... you know." Weiss said with her face red as I laughed at what they were thinking.

"No, we didn't," I said making them sigh in relief which was odd, but then I added, "Yet." I finished making them blush again.

"Sooo can we come in or...?" Yang asked trying to change the subject with a faint blush on her face.

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