Chapter 4: Emerald Forest

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-(Y/N) P.O.V.-

I was flying through the sky as I noticed I was getting closer to the ground, reacting quickly I pulled out my bow grabbed a grappling arrow and shot it at the closest tree to me.vI swung around around the tree slowing down my momentum and when I slowed down enough I let go of the cable. I fell to the ground and tucked and roll, I stood back up looking around my surroundings to see no Grimm around yet, looking at my quiver to see if any of my arrows came out, luckily none did so I have 24 or 23 since used one grappling arrow. With me using up and arrow on my 'landing strategy' and being in a Grimm infested forest I have to be careful and uses my arrows wisely or I'll be out before I can get a relic or make it out of here alive.

'Should probably invest to upgrade my bow and arrows, along finding a way to hold more arrows.' I thought. 'But I don't have any Lien to spare so I may need to pickpocket students for Lien.' I added with a smirk but that wasn't important and I began to walk through the Emerald Forest to find my relic and maybe a partner.

-Ruby P.O.V.-

I was flying through the air until I ran into a birdie and heard it shriek as I started to descend down. "Birdie no!" I shouted feeling awfully bad but noticed I was starting to descend at a fast rate. I pulled out my high caliber sniper scythe and fired off a few rounds to slow me down, then I turned my weapon into its scythe form to catch the branch of a tree in my blade and fell downward. I landed on the ground and then ran off into the forest.

'Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find...' I thought. "Yang! Yaaaang!" I shouted as I ran through the forest but then started to think who else I can run into. 'Oh, this is bad, this is really bad... What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? Well, there's always Jaune. He's nice. He's funny! ...I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Ooh! What about Blake?! So mysterious, so calm... Plus she likes books! Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her... Ugh! Then there's (Y/N). He nice, cool, strong and with that bow he has he must be very skilled, which it looks like the same one (C/N) has. Plus he's really cute- Stop it! Bows not the time!' I thought but then shook my head to get the daydreams out my head and my blush to go way. 'Okay... Who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, (Y/N) aaaand...' My thoughts were interrupted as I slid on the ground and stopped myself as I saw Weiss in front of me, who turned around to face me. The moment she saw me she turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" I shouted and followed her a bit but stopped and kick the ground dejectedly. "We're supposed to be teammates..." I muttered as Weiss was struggling through the forest as I stood in the same place, sad. Few moments later I felt a tug on my hood and was being dragged, looking back I saw Weiss dragging me.

"By no means this doesn't make us friends." She said bluntly.

"You came back!" I said overjoyed as she let go of my hood and I followed her, which she was walking fast.

"What's the hurry?" I asked trying to keep up with her pace.

"I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow! I swear, if I get a bad grade because of your-" She was interrupted as I used my semblance and appeared next to her, which surprised her. "What the...?"

"I'm not slow, see? You don't have to worry about me!" I said.

"When did...?" Weiss started taken aback slightly amazed.

"Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters!" I said confidently as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss, and after it's all over, you're going to be like, 'Wow! That Ruby girl is really, really cool... and I wanna be her friend!'" I said before disappearing into a shower of rose petals as Wiess waves away some.

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