Chapter 27: A New Partner

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay again been busy lately with my job on getting promoted and finally living on my own, which is a lot harder then I thought and has exhausted me a lot. Trying to get through life one day at a time you know. But I'm not letting that stop me continuing with this story, my other one and other stories I have plan in the future which I would like to start. But since it's been a while since I updated this story I may be a bit rusty but other than that I would like to thank you all for the support and I promise to try to get this story and my others updated more. With that hope you all like this chapter!


-(Y/N) POV-





"John Snow?"


"Uhhhh girls, what are you guys doing?" I asked holding a tray of food as I sat down next to Team RWBY, JNPR and the twins.

"We're just coming up with names for you and Weiss's child." Ruby said happily as Weiss next to her look annoyed while she ate her food.

"Well at least stay away from the cold theme names." I said chuckling.

"Ugh! Not you too, they've been at this since I told them the news, even though I told them to keep their mouths shut!" Weiss said irritated by her team.

"Well maybe if you took better precautions this wouldn't happen." Yang shot back grinning before looking at me. "By the way I call dibs to be next."

"Next?" I asked taking a bite out of my lunch.

"Yeah, next to have your kid." She said calmly which caught me off guard and made me choke on my food.

"W-What?!" I coughed out trying to regain myself as the twins patted my back and Yang chuckled.

"You heard me, so why don't we take this back to your dorm.~" She said suggestively and look at Blake who was sitting next to her holding Wilson. "I'm sure Blake here would like to have another little kitten and make cute little Wilson a big brother." She added as Blake cheeks flushed and a small smile appeared at the idea.

"Yang don't be gross." Ruby groaned in annoyance.

"Says the girl the girl that doesn't clean her search history." She shot back with a grin as her little sisters face redden in embarrassment and hit her sister as Team JNPR and the twins watched in amusement.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm not ready for anymore kids or at least for now." I said.

"Awww how come?" Yang asked disappointedly.

"I already have to deal with Professor Goodwitch getting her mood swings and sudden food cravings from being for being pregnant. Now that Weiss is pregnant and probably going to experience the same things I really don't want to deal with that." I explained.

"Wait! You knocked up Profe-?!" Nora was about to blurt that out for the whole cafeteria to hear but luckily Ren covered her mouth.

"He told us already Nora." Ren said taking his hand off of her as she looked at me and reached over me, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me close to her.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I did tell you and your team a while ago, maybe if you'd listen instead of eating the pancakes I made for Glynda when she was craving them." I said taking her hands off me and sat back down giving her a cold stare as she laughed nervously. "She was beyond pissed at me when she found the empty plate of pancakes at the table." I shivered not wanting my to suffer from her wraith.

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