Chapter 26: A New Threat?

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-Third POV-

"Ugh... Why are we the ones put in charge of unloading the trucks? Isn't this for the new recruits to do?" A short White Fang grunt with mouse ears complained as he and another grunt grabbed a box from a truck within a secret base in Vale.

"Normally yes, but ever since that hood guy showed up to Vale few months ago and targeted the White Fang, he really brought down our numbers. It also doesn't help when he showed up he either captures us for the authorities, puts us in hospitals or even murders us which cause most of our members quit." The other grunt who was fairly tall and has gray cat ears explained as the two set the boxes down.

"Really? I thought that guy was somewhere in Mistral or something?" The mouse faunus asked as he sat on the box.

"He was, but that guy travels all over the place and only stays at one place for a short time so it's a little surprising that he's been here for this long." The cat faunus said.

"Maybe he finally found a home here and decided to focus protecting Vale."


"Or he was caught and forced to attend some prestigious academy where he's probably banging lots of women but also keeping his double life a secret from them but to someday tell them." The mouse faunus said as the other simply stared at him for a moment.

"That's the ridiculous hing I've ever heard from you Jerry."

"Well screw you Tom."

"Hey you two get back to work! These supplies aren't going to unload themselves!" A deep voices shouted as the two turned their head to sea a large built bull Faunus storming towards them with a few other White Fang members following behind him.

"S-Sorry Captain, just taking a quick break." Tom answered nervously only for the large Faunus getting in his face.

"You'll go on your break when I tell you'll go on your break! Now get back to work!" He ordered at the two who were shaking in fear before getting back to work.

"Yes sir!" They shouted and went back to work as the Captain turned back to face the others.

"Now that these two slackers are working let's figure out how we're going to deal with that hooded bastard and fast. I really don't want to deal with Adam and those damn humans we have to work with now." The captain said.

"Yeah a lot of us are still pissed that we have to take orders from humans, especially that human Torchwick." A young White Fang soldier added.

"You're not the only one kid, but for now let's see if we can find any sort of idea on who this hooded guy is and how to deal with him." The captain said and began to walk away with his men following out of the hanger, leaving the two to work.

"Oum I hate that guy." Tom said lifting another box from the truck.

"Same." Jerry agreed with his friend but just as they were working, gunfire were heard where the captain and his men walked to. This made the two stop working especially when they heard screams which caused the two to shake in fear.

"Hey Tom." Jerry called out facing his friend who looked back at him. "Bail?"

"Bail." He answered and the two left the hanger leaving their fellow comrades, who actually mistreated the two, to deal with whoever was at the base. Just as the two left the hanger from the other side few White Fang members along with the captain who was bleeding from his left shoulder came running in and slammed the door shut.

"Tom! Jerry! Stop what you're doing and help us! That hooded bastard found us and he's not alone!" The captain ordered before looking back only to see the two not there. "Where the hell are they?!"

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