Chapter 23: Taking Down The Count

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I owe you all an apology for taking so long to update my stories, been a little busy with work and school, but I when I have the time I kept  getting a bit too distracted and kept putting the stories off which is my fault. And it also doesn't help that I actually lost my inspiration to write for a while. But after getting my inspiration back and after better management of my time I was able to finish this chapter and post it so I didn't want to keep you all waiting by any longer.

I also want to say that I reached 300 followers and thank you all for the support! Even when I haven't done much for a few months I still see the support of my stories and people enjoying them. Again sorry for the long wait and I'll try to update my other stories as fast I can and I hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a great day!


-(Y/N) POV-

I followed close behind Dinah as we made our way to where this Count Vertigo is operating and put him behind bars or down permanently. Dinah doesn't want to kill him but do it the legal way but if he's a drug lord creating some sort of drug that can harm many, then I don't want his drug our or for him to break out of prison like most criminals. Me and her got in a brief argument again but eventually I was reluctant enough to not kill anyone but told her I will kill as a last resort. On the way there she was giving me a quick rundown on this guy who happens to call himself The Count or Count Vertigo but don't know how he looks like and what his drugs are capable of. Not long after we arrived where this Count was operating to see that he was in an abandoned church of Oum as we stood on a roof of a building not far from the church and noticed a few arm men stationed on the roof.

"I still wonder what's up with criminals operating in abandoned building?" Dinah asked out loud.

"I don't know but at this point I'm not surprised." I said before looking at her. "Let's go ahead and sneak in through the roof and scope out the area and find the Count and put him down." I said as she glared at me. "Okay okay I won't kill him, unless it's a last resort. Now let's get going."

With that said we both snuck our way to the roof to the church and took out a few guards on the roof quietly before locating the door. We entered the church and stealthily wandered through the halls to find the Count while taking out few guards we ran into. But not long after we made our way into a large room and hid behind some crates and peaked over to see what looks to be a laboratory of some sort with men all around the room working on something. They all looked pretty sketchy and seemed exhausted as they mixed chemicals together with arm gunman watching over them.

"So this is where they operating and producing this Vertigo?" I whispered next to Dinah.

"Yes, but judging how these people look, they look like they're being forced to make Vertigo." She pointed how.

"So he abducted people for extra labor to make his drug, you sure I can kill him and get this over with?" I asked as she shot me a glare.

"This is why most of Remnant think you're a psychopathic murder and is most wanted by the Atlas Military." She whispered aggressively at me.

"And this is why the crime rate dropped by 58% since I became a vigilante years ago." I shot back as we glared at each other before I calmed down and took a deep breath. "As much as I would love to argue with you we need to focus."

"Right, so what's the plan?" She asked as we turned our attention back.

"Well we don't know how the Count looks like since no one seen his face, so for now let's stop this operation and hopefully we'll draw him out." I said readying my bow and pulling out an arrow.

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