Chapter 10: Teasing a Certain Faunus

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Didn't know what to call the chapter title so I went with this.

-(Y/N)- POV-

After I getting dressed into my Beacon uniform, I left my dorm and began to make my way to the Mess Hall to grab something to eat and to hang out with my... friends. Friends are something I don't really have many, sure there are the Malachite Twins and Junior but for me... friends that I've made don't last long. I sighed thinking it's best not to think about it and make myself depressed and enjoy it as much as I can. But as I walked through the hallway I noticed a group of guys cornering a girl with brown hair and had rabbit ears.

"Well look what we go here boys, a freak." A student said smugly, who I'm guessing he's the leader as he and his team surrounded her before he pulled one of her rabbit ears.

"OW! Please stop!" She begged making the jerks laughed and making me clench my fist in anger, feeling my blood boil. The one thing I hate just as much as crimson and corrupted people are racist asshole who believes that humans are the dominant species and treat Faunus like they aren't worth to be alive. Sure I may have had a few runnin with the White Fang but that's only because they are going a bit too far in their methods of equality. I then stormed towards them ready to break their legs.

"Hey assholes!" I shouted gaining their attention.

"What do you want first year?" One of them asked as I now know that they are not first year students. "Can't you see we're busy?"

"I can see that but can you see that I'm about to kick your ass." I growled as they laughed, which ticked me off more before I punched the one I'm guessing is the leader.

"Ah! You motherfu- Get him!" The leader shouted angrily as his team charged at me.

As they launched a barrage of punches and kicks at me, and I gotta say, they are a disappointment considering they are probably second or third year students. I simply dodged their attack and kneed one in gut, forcing him to kneel down gripping his stomach before falling to the ground. Another swing his arm at me as I moved aside and grabbed his arm before slamming him to the ground and right hooked him in the face, knocking him out. The other two then charged at me as I simple elbowed one in the face making him fall to the ground gripping his bleeding nose. And the last one I got him in a headlock as I tighten my grip forcing home to fall unconscious. I looked at them as they were in the ground before I turned to the rabbit Faunus who was shocked at what just happen and looked at me nervously.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, walking up to her as she lowered her head down to hide her blush.

"I-I'm fine, thank you...."

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I introduced myself.

"Thank you (Y/N). I'm Velvet Scarlatina." She introduced herself.

"Velvet, that's a beautiful name." I said flirtatious making her blush more and trying to hide it which made me chuckle a bit.

"T-That's very nice of you." She said.

"Anyway, do you know why they were messing with you?" I asked gesturing the unconscious soundest on the ground and looked back at Velvet, who looked upset.

"They were picking on me because I'm a Faunus." She said as I clenched my fist, sure I already knew but it still gets me angry. I then took a few deep breaths to calm me down before a small appeared on my face.

"Well, don't worry, I'll make sure they or anyone will harm you a again." I said smiling as I placed my hand on her head, she looked at me with shock and her face was red. "So do you want to go to the Mess Hall with me to grab a bite to eat?"

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