Chapter 37: White Fang Coup Part 1

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-(Y/N) POV-

It's been two days since Summer gave me the information I needed on why the League is here and the day this Adam guy is set to overthrow the current leader. I know I was sent here by Ozpin to find out why the League is here and prevent them from spilling more blood but after Summer told me their true intentions that they're trying to save the White Fang from being led by a bloodthirsty man who pretty much wants to kill all humans and from what she said to prevent this darkness from consuming the world. Now I don't trust Summer completely since she's with the League of Shadows, but if she's willing to risk her life to give me the information I needed and the threat this Adam posed, I just had to believe her and hope this isn't a trap of some sort. I could've called Ozpin to let him know or informed Ghira or anyone of the current situation but if I did I believe they would make things more difficult and force Adam to strike now before the initial meeting tonight. Plus, Summer's warning about Ozpin and not to trust him since he's the one responsible for her disappearance is starting to make me second guess and suspect Ozpin more and want him less involved in my vigilante life.

When Ghira left the girls asked me what I found and knew I couldn't lie to them so I told them the truth about how there's going to be a coup in the White Fang with Adam Taurus leading the coup. Upon hearing that name both Kali and Blake froze up and their eyes widened in shock, the two warned me about him and yelled at me for not telling Ghira, and asked how I got this information. I told them or lied to them that I was able to interrogate two White Fang members who were defecting from the White Fang, and if I told Ghira he would most likely to get involved and he would probably force Adam to strike now before the meeting and would not only make him a target but also everyone he knows and cares for. It took some convincing but they now understand why I didn't ask Ghira for any assistance and knew it would be best and for their safety to try and not get involved even if they wanted to.

It doesn't help that Adam is bringing some unknown person which is surprisingly a human who Summer and the League are believed to be a pawn of this great darkness and seems to be getting involved with the White Fang. If something this big of a threat is out there and is getting involved then Ozpin should've warned me but instead didn't bother to tell me. But I'm sure Ozpin isn't aware of this great darkness and didn't know and assume the League is just here to wipe out the White Fang as we thought but after my talks with Summer about not trusting him and all the secrets he's keeping from his closest allies and the public, I've become more wary and suspicious about him and wondered what's he's not telling me. So as of right now and probably down the line, I was pretty much on my own to take on this Adam and his loyal followers, and probably the League of Assassins, and tonight was going to be the battle of my life.

Over the last two days, I was mostly focused on preparing for tonight and waited for my body to fully heal from my last encounter with the League. Of course, I did spend my time with the girls as well and my son Wilson who seems to take a liking to Kali who admitted she enjoyed watching over and would like to have one more kid as she stared at me with lust. Blake and I on the other have been pretty busy the last two days trying to get her pregnant like she wanted after I promised her and a way to make up for my lying to her. Velvet and Kali on the other hand have shown their desire for some 'quality' time but seem to be waiting for the right moment or at least for Velvet until she begins to show some signs but was able to control herself. Kali though seems to enjoy teasing me and Blake with how intimate we are and how Velvet is getting closer to her heat, she even admitted that she was waiting for the right moment for her to make her move on me and would often stare at me with lust. Besides the sex and teasing, I greatly enjoyed the last two days relaxing and hanging out with the girls while preparing for tonight. So after some time relaxing and preparing myself, I was in the guestroom putting in my gear as Blake and Velvet sat on the bed in silence as they watched me get ready.

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