Chapter 36: Confrontation

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-(Y/N) POV-

"So you don't know what they're doing here?" Ghira asked me in frustration as we were seated in the living room.

He sat in front of me while I sat on the other side with Blake and Velvet who were changing out my bandages and making sure my wounds were healing properly. I gave them quite a scare when I crashed through their window late last night, bleeding to death and on my last leg basically. They were quick to get me medical help and luckily as I arrived at Kali's home my Aura was coming back and keeping me alive as they went to get me help. Though I didn't remember much after that since I blacked up only to wake up in our room in the morning, I woke to see Blake and Velvet sleeping by the bed and noticed my wounds were patched up and most of my body covered in bandages. I might have given them a fright but not long after I woke up they slowly woke up and saw me before immediately jumping on me with Velvet jumping rather excitedly. The morning went on smoothly with the girls bringing me breakfast in bed but after that I decided to freshen up and wake myself up. After freshening myself, Ghira barged in the room wanting to speak to me about what happened last night which is where we are now.

"No, but judging by the reports and witnessing the attack, they're targeting high ranking officers to destabilize the organization by taking out their commanders." I said.

"It would seem so and that's what I'm afraid of." Ghira began taking a sip of his tea before continuing. "If they really are trying to destabilize the White Fang then I fear not only with they continue to target more officers and leaders but also anyone who seems to be a potential replacement."

"What makes you say that?" I asked as he pulled out another folder and handed it to me. Opening the file my eyes slightly widened in shock while Blake and Velvet looked away, in the folder were a few pictures of various Faunus all covered in blood and looked like they were struck down with ease and efficiency. "Who... What happened?"

"While you were out last night facing off with these assassins, it seems there were multiple assassinations while you were on your mission. These are the individuals who were targeted last night, we investigated them to find out more or why they were targeted and we found out that these people had deep connections with the White Fang. We don't know what their role was within the organization but we know that these members were influential and some even funded and supplied the organization. But we also discovered a few notes that suggested that these individuals are involved in some sort of coup that's meant to overthrow Sienna, which is greatly concerning. While I am on edge from discovering this since some of these people were good friends of mine and have been there with me from the beginning, even when they wanted me to step down I did what was best for the White Fang." He said, looking down in sorrow.

"Are you sure it was these assassins? It could've been other White Fang members that were probably sent out by Sienna to deal with these traitors  and secure her leadership over a White Fang." I suggested

"Unlikely, while she does pull a lot of strings to keep her position, even to go as far to threaten those who oppose her but she wouldn't go this far and she's blood of our own. But there is one other person in the White Fang I know who would go this far..." He trailed off as Blake's eyes widened a bit on who he's suggesting and gently tightened her grip around my hand.

"Who?" I asked as he shook his head to shake his thoughts.

"Not anyone important, I'll try to arrange a meeting with Sienna so we both can work together and figure a way to prevent any more blood from spilling in Menagerie." He said as I thought about it for a second and can use this to my advantage. If the leader of the White Fang is going to have a meeting with the ex-leader I can see the League taking this opportunity to strike down the leader and hopefully isn't a target, Ghira. Now I didn't want to endanger my girlfriend's dad by having bait but if this is a second attempt to get some answers and stop them then so be it. Especially, since my mind is mostly wondering about that last assassin I faced and why she looked just like Ruby. Could... Could it be... no she's supposed to be dead from what Ruby told me so there's no way she could be alive... but she said they never recovered the body so it could make sense.

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