Chapter 39: Faunus Love (Lemon)~

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Just to give you all a head up this is literally a Lemon chapter and probably the longest one I ever wrote. So if you don't like reading lemons then this chapter isn't for you but to those who do, then all I'm going to say is I hope you all enjoy it then.


-(Y/N) POV-

It's been about a day since I helped Sienna off of Menagerie and word has traveled fast around here, it also doesn't help that White Fang speaker we're going around and telling how she betrayed the Faunus and sided with the humans who attack their main headquarters and announced that Adam Taurus has assumed leadership of the White Fang. I told the girls and Ghira what had happened the previous night and how the assassins who had been attacking the White Fang were trying to save Sienna and prevent Adam from gaining power and how I helped her out of Menagerie and reassured them she's safe. I told them how they targeted the White Fang hideouts because they sided with Adam and joined him in their coup to overthrow Sienna. Because of that, this led Adam to strike early now with the support he has now, and luckily because of the assassin's attacks, there were fewer supporters with him at the attack. I did leave out some stuff like who are the assassins and told them they were a small group that wanted Sienna to remain leader to prevent Adam from escalating things between humans and Faunus, and the human he brought who was an old friend of mine. They believed what I said and thanked me for risking my life for Sienna and getting her out, Ghira appreciated what I did and he said he'll make sure Adam pays for his actions but for now all he can do is wait, seeing how most if not all the Faunus view Adam an influential leader or a savior if you must say. With that Ghira said his goodbye and walked out of the household as me and the girls enjoy our last day here in Menagerie before our departure tomorrow morning.

Right now I was in the living enjoying my lunch as the girls were out and hanging out, especially Blake and Kali seeing how after today it's going to be a while before the two see each other again. I ate my lunch as I scanned through my scroll just browsing the web trying to clear my head after I just found that Slade was still alive. I haven't heard much of the League or more so Summer after our siege, but I just assumed they left Menagerie knowing they came to stop Adam from becoming the leader of the White Fang, and seeing how we failed they probably left. We did save Sienna from being killed so maybe all hope isn't lost and once I get back to Vale me and her can talk I'm what's her next move and hopefully the League doesn't try and locate her. I was kinda expecting them to show up to ask about Sienna but luckily they didn't show up and I hoped at least Summer would come by so I can ask what the League's next move is and to thank her again for giving the information to go back and tell Ozpin. That was until I remembered what she said about him and not to fully trust him, guess it would be best to leave some things out when he asked about the mission. I shrugged it off for now for I'll deal with it when I get back, for now, I'm just enjoying my sandwich and enjoying some peace and quiet. I sat there for a few minutes until the front door opened and looked to see Velvet walking in.

"Hey Velvet." I greeted as she gave me a warm smile and walked up to me before taking a seat next to me. "Where's Blake and Kali?"

"They're still at the café, I know they'll be talking and hanging around for the day and I didn't want to get in the way of their daughter and mother bonding before we leave tomorrow, so I decided to come back here." She explained. "It kinda felt awkward for me to sit there like a third wheel but I left for... another reason." She added and scooted closer to me, almost brushing herself against my arm.

"Yeah, she hasn't seen her family in a while so we should let her spend as much time with them before we depart tomorrow. I already packed out things so we can enjoy the rest of the day and seeing how it's probably just the two of us we can just chill until they come back.." I said, scrolling through the web and not noticing the look Velvet was giving me and her licking her lips.

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