Chapter 5.2 - Ball

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Azalea felt like all of her energy had been drained already, her patience wearing thin. Mrs. Potter had worked on the two girls for hours now, Sirius even coming to make sure they were alright once or twice. Party guests had already started to arrive and Azalea could smell the drinks from there. "Looks like James and Siri are getting started early," she muttered under her breath.

   "I hate parties," she declared suddenly, "See what you have done? You have made me detest parties. Thanks a lot, woman." Mrs. Potter laughed happily, pushing something into each of their hands. Azalea looked down and wrinkled her nose. "A corset? Who wears these anymore?"

"You two do. It will show more of your curves. Now go on! Put them on! But first, let me show you your dresses." Azalea looked up, forgetting her disgust as she saw what was in her hands.  

  "Is that why everyone loves dresses so much," she questioned as she poked the dress. "Because they are so beautiful?"

   "I'm glad you like it," Mrs. Potter smiled, "Because this one is yours." Azalea gaped at the woman, shaking her head back and forth quickly.

   "Are you crazy? I can't pull that off!"

    "Well, you can try," she pushed Azalea into the attached bathroom to change. 

  When Azalea looked into the large mirror she thought it was not herself, it couldn't be her. But it was. The dark green and black dress clung tightly to her waist, showing off the curves not many people knew she had. The dress curved outwards at her hips, making it heavier but all the more beautiful. Azalea thought the dress complimented her green eyes and red hair, making her feel like a princess. 

She threw the door open after one more glance at herself in the mirror, her walk surprisingly effortless. Lily turned from her conversation and gaped at Azalea, her hand flying to her mouth. "You look amazing," she gasped out, Mrs. Potter smiling widely.

     "Now for you, Lily." She reached behind her and pulled out another dress, Azalea smiling at the look of Lily's astonished gaze.

  "Wow, Lily. It's gorgeous," she breathed. The dress was a light blue color, a pattern made up of rhinestones on the top and slowing down as it descended. It went outwards at the waist like Azalea's, the top a heart shape. "Well go on then," Azalea pushed her sister eagerly towards the bathroom, "Go be gorgeous for James!" Lily blushed lightly at this and hissed at Azalea.

    "Shut up," she gently snatched the dress. 

   Mrs. Potter laced up the back of Azalea's dress, Azalea holding her long red hair away from her back. "You are almost seventeen now, you know?"

"Yeah," Azalea nodded, "And?"

    "And at age seventeen, witches and wizards are adults."

    "Are you saying...?"

    "You and Sirius," she nodded her head, "I always imagined you two would end up together in the end. If you asked, he would do anything for you. That boy is crazy about you."

   Azalea laughed. "Do you just want an excuse to get him out of your house so he won't be breaking all of your things anymore?"

    " And yes, as well. But mostly no. I want you two to be happy. And what is more happier than being away from those awful parents of yours, anyways? I know you love them sweetie, but not everyone can always love you back. If you got your own place you could get away from all of that. I'm not saying you have to move in with Sirius. But at least get a place for yourself. You would be so much better off there."

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