Chapter 8 - The Room of Requirement

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Azalea was watching someone from afar, unsure of who he was. The man walked forwards, almost giving a glimpse of his face. He was hooded, though, and she couldn't tell exactly what his face looked like. The man lowered his hood and stepped into the light, causing Azalea to back up. She realized who it was from past visions. It was Lord Voldemort.

He reached a hand out and knocked on a door. The door opened immediately and a hand came out and motioned for him to come in. Azalea ran after him, not wanting him to get out of her sight. The door shut loudly behind her and she watched as Voldemort looked around the small room.

"Not what I was hoping for, Lucius, but it will do for now." The blonde haired man nodded and gestured to one of the seats at a small table.

"Please sit my Lord. We can begin our plans here."

"Yes. Now would be an excellent time to carry out the plan. Gather up my followers. We shall be leaving any minute now," he told Lucius.

Lucius nodded and rushed to another room, yelling something at the people back there. A group of about a dozen people came out, and Azalea found herself wondering how they had all fit back there in such a small room.

"Now, you all know the plan. You put on your masks and set something on fire. I don't care what. Chaos, that's what I want. I will head over to the Potter's house while that distraction is going on and kill them. You all understand?" Everyone in the group nodded and grabbed a broom from the wall. Azalea had not noticed them before. They mounted their brooms and were flying out of the door in a few seconds. Voldemort laughed and stood up.

"Tonight will be the night I kill the boy in the prophecy! Tonight is that night I take control," he screamed at no one.

Azalea sat up quickly, her eyes wide and sweat covering her body. The Potter's. That had to mean Lily and James. And their son. Azalea knew of Harry, of course. She knew how much love she would grow for the child. A love that was already forming. But she also knew Harry hadn't died as a child. Azalea turned her head and she saw Sirius staring at her.

"Are you okay, Z," hee asked sleepily. Azalea nodded, almost groaning when her breath got caught in her throat again.

"Yeah. I am fine. Just another bad vision is all," she smiled at him, "Why are you up so early? You should be asleep! It is midnight!"

"I heard you moving around. I couldn't sleep knowing you could have been having a bad vision. Are you sure you are fine? You don't seem fine."

"Yes. I am sure. You should go back to sleep, Siri. I am going on a walk if you need me," Azalea began to get up, only to be stopped as Sirius grabbed her arm.

"You aren't going to go meet another werewolf, are you," Sirius asked with his eyebrows raised, a small smile on his lips. Azalea laughed and shook her head.

"No. Just going for a walk this time. You can come with me if you want. I won't be as lonely then. I won't be unprotected and all," she pulled her arm gently out of his grip.

"Yeah. I am coming, Z," he climbed out of his bed. Azalea put on a pair of Sirius' shoes and walked to the door, her hand on the door knob.

"You might want to put a shirt on, Siri. I am not sure that the teachers would like it if you didn't. If they happen to catch us, that is," Azalea told him, trying her best not to look at him. Sirius nodded, grabbing the one he had on before he went to bed.

"You're right at usual, Z. I doubt we will get caught. It is the middle of the night, after all."

"Just in case," she opened the door and walked out, Sirius following behind her. The two walked quietly to the common room and quickly slipped out of the portrait hole. They walked to the black lake and sat on the ground.

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