Chapter 7 - Day Dreams

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Lily! Did you know that it is no vision March? I just found out," Azalea yelled excitedly as she ran at Lily. Azalea jumped onto Lily, laughing when they both fell down beside the fire place. Lily huffed and pushed Azalea off easily. She then stood up and dusted herself off.

"It is very good to know that your visions are gone. Are the nightmares still there as well? If so, why didn't they go away too," Lily asked curiously.

"It. Is. Very. Good," Azalea paused at each word for dramatic effect, "The nightmares are still there. They are usually about you and-nevermind. I don't know why they didn't leave."

"Maybe you should see Madam Clara. She would be able to answer that question, and could possible even cure you!"

"No, no, no, no. N. O. No," Azalea exclaimed as she jumped away from Lily, "The stuff she gives me tastes awful! I am not going back there!"

"But you need to Azalea! Please! For me," Lily pleaded. Azalea needed to find out what was wrong and get it fixed. What if there was something slowly taking over her body and no one knew it?

"Siri! Lily is being mean to me," when she got no answer she added on, "And she is beating me! Stop, Lily! No! I don't want to be hexed into oblivion!" sirius came running down the stairs, prepared to break up the fight. He glared at Azalea when he saw nothing was wrong.

"What do you need Z? I was trying to get ready for breakfast!" Azalea rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah," she said, waving her arm dismissively, "Lily is being mean to me, and you need to make her stop! My needs are more important than yours at the moment!" Sirius sighed and turned to Lily.

"I am supposedly commanding you to stop being mean to Z," he told her, turning back to Azalea, "Now can I go?" Azalea nodded and smiled.

"Yep! You may go put a shirt on now! Thanks Siri," she said and then turned back to Lily, hoping to have a conversation so she wouldn't hear the stupid giggling girls.

"I hate his fan girls," Azalea grumbled as she turned and glared at each one, "At first it was funny, but now it has gotten out of hand!" Lily giggled.

"I think someone is jealous," she cried as she began to giggle even more,  "You are jealous! You are jealous! Azalea is jealous! Azalea is jealous!" Azalea looked at Lily, confused.

"Why would I be jealous? Yeah, I don't want them looking at him like that, but it's not because I am jealous. It is because he is my best friend, and best friends are like that." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Whatever! What you see in me and Potter, I see in you and Black. Simple as that. So, you can not yell at me when I say it because you say that about me and Potter."

Azalea gave Lily a disgusted look and backed up slowly. She knocked into something and fell onto a pair of feet. She looked up and gave a goofy grin to Sirius. He raised an eyebrow questionably.

"Lily is grossing me out," she accused, causing Lily to gape at her and scream, "I was not! I just was telling the truth, whether you realize it or not! Besides, it is the same as you telling me to be with Potter!" Azalea took Sirius' outstretched hand and jumped up, stumbling back into him again.

"So? It isn't as gross as what you are saying," she made a gagging noise.

Lily rolled her eyes and stalked off to the Great Hall. Luckily, it was a Saturday and there were no classes. They didn't have to do anything all day if they didn't want to. Azalea frowned but walked to the Great Hall anyways.

"You know what," she said as she stopped, "I am not all that hungry. You guys go on. I will go somewhere." Peter, Remus, and James didn't give it a second thought, but Sirius knew better. Azalea was upset at herself or at someone. She always went somewhere alone when she was upset or angry. Sirius followed Azalea quietly, watching her go from corridor to corridor until she finally just fell against a wall in the seventh floor corridor. Sirius walked up to her and quietly sat next to her.

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