Chapter 10 - Leaving

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Sirius groaned as he woke up, turning on his side. He bumped into something as he turned. What could possibly be in his bed? Sirius opened his eyes, looking over to see Azalea. When had she gotten there? How had she gotten there? Most importantly, why was she there?

"Z," Sirius hissed at her. Azalea didn't move so Sirius began shaking her roughly.

"I swear I didn't drown the paperclip," Azalea screamed as her eyes opened. She looked around angrily for a moment until she spotted Sirius and smiled.

"What? Oh,never mind! What are you doing in my bed? What is wrong with yours," he asked impatiently. It was early Saturday morning, and he wasn't a morning person.

"Oh," Azalea said sleepily, "I had a bad dream." She closed her eyes again. She was as tired as Sirius was, and didn't appreciate waking up to stupid questions.

"Well, why did you come in here? You could have woken Lily up or something! What made the dream so bad that you had to come in here," he said exasperatedly.

"Lily wouldn't let me sleep with her, so I came in here," she yawned, "I figured you guys wouldn't mind. The dream was about you, anyways."

 "I guess I don't mind that much. Wait! What do you mean the dream was about me? What happened to me," Sirius exclaimed.

"You were about to get the Dementors Kiss," Azalea murmured with her eyes still closed, "I asked Lily what it was, and she told me. You got saved in the end though."

"What? What if that was real? What if it was another one of your visions or something? I could die," he exclaimed.

"If you die, you die," Azalea opened her eyes again, "I had another dream after it, too. An older me was fighting some people in prison uniforms. I was screaming your name, but you never said anything back. I never really did see you, though."

"Was I in Azkaban? What I do," he exclaimed loudly, "And why wouldn't they let you in? It isn't like I'm a murderer!"

"I don't know," Azalea said as she threw the covers off of her and jumped up. When she landed on the ground, she pulled all of the curtains away from the boys beds.

"Azalea, what are you doing? You will wake them up," Sirius exclaimed. He had woke the others up before, and it didn't work out very well for him.

"I know. Just be quiet and pretend you are asleep," Azalea stated as she took out a slingshot from her pocket. She always carried one no matter where she went. It was for emergencies, and this was an emergency. Azalea placed a bean, taken from a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans that was sitting on a nightstand, and put it in her slingshot. She had two more in her hand. She fell to the ground and laid on her back besides James bed, aimimg her shot at Remus. She knew she had to shoot them all really fast. Azalea shot at Remus and quickly reloaded, shooting Peter, and then James. She quickly rolled under James bed, out of sight. She covered her mouth to keep from laughing. ALl of the boys had woken up and screamed 'ow', but James began screaming after he couldn't figure out who threw it.

"What the bloody helm was that? Wait a minute! It's candy! Yum," he said, popping it into his mouth. Azalea rolled her eyes and kicked the bottom of his bed, and James was quickly frightened.

"What was that? Did any of you feel that?"

"There is nothing there mate," Sirius said as he tried to hide his laughter, "You are imagining things."

"I felt it again," James exclaimed as he moved closer to the edge, "I am going to see what is under there." James slowly put his hands on the edge of the bed and breathed out.

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