Chapter 5 - Firewhiskey

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Azalea winced as she was shoved into another wall, her books falling from her hands. She rubbed her shoulder painfully, bending down to grab her things. She glanced up to see Sirius chasing the boy who had hurt her down the hall, his wand waving around as he screamed insults at him. She smiled slightly, continuing to get her things. 

   She saw a glimpse of Sirius flashing through the courtyard, the red headed boy in front of him screaming in fear. She screamed silently as someone jabbed her in the stomach, by accident or not, she wasn't sure. She doubled over in pain, taking a deep breath. It didn't matter, anyways. She was used to it by now. 

   "Azalea Evans," a familiar voice cried out, pulling on her arm. Azalea dropped her books again, glancing up at the red headed look-alike glaring at her. "What," she squeaked out, glancing down at her fallen books. Her papers were strewn across the ground, footprints already on the top of them like a dark colored stamp. 

   "You took it, didn't you?"

    "Took what," Azalea was surprised. She didn't think she had taken anything.

    "She said you took it! And if I had to guess, you probably did!"

    "Who did? I haven't taken anything!"

     "You took my essay that I have been working on for over two weeks. I slaved over that thing, Azalea! It was perfect! And you stole it so you would pass potions!"

   "What essay," she questioned as Lily began digging through her messenger back, glancing at all of the papers on the floor. A crowd had circled them by now, mostly smirking students lingering by. Some threw her pitiful looks as they scurried away, desperate not to be caught in the feud of the two sisters. 

   "The one you stole! It took me forever," Lily shoved Azalea. Azalea stumbled backwards, shock overwhelming her. Lily had never laid a finger on her before. Why would she hurt her now?

     "I don't know what you are talking about," Azalea shoved her back. "Fight, fight, fight, fight," a blonde girl cheered with a smirk in their direction. 

   "SHUT IT," Azalea snapped, "Or else."

     "Ha," Lily exclaimed, pulling the essay from a book.

     "W-What," she was confused, "Who put that there? I bloody swear, Lily, I didn't steal it!"

    "This proves that you did," she waved the essay, kicking at Azalea's shins. Azalea's lip quivered and she kicked Lily back.

    "That's it! I'm tired of this crap from you!"

   "What crap? You are the one stealing my things," Lily shoved Azalea's shoulders.

    "Who did this to you," she shoved her back, "You aren't even my sister anymore! Someone stole you, Lily, and I want you back!"

    "You are crazy," Lily snarled, pushed her even harder than before, "Just admit you stole my essay! Is it that hard?"

    "Why would I steal your essay if I spent all week writing my own?"

   "I don't know why, but you did," Lily said impatiently, "Just tell me and I might let you off of the hook!"

    "I can't do that," Azalea barked, gathering her things quickly. "It would be a lie if I did."

    "All that ever comes out of your mouth is lies! What's so wrong with saying one now?"

    "This time," she glanced at Lily, "It might actually cost me something I don't want to give away." 

   Lily opened her mouth in protest, but a blonde spoke before her. "Are you just going to let her get away like that? She has been stealing all of your things! Like, what is the point of yelling at her if she is just going to do it again?"

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