Chapter 8 - Only Thirteen

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Azalea stomped down the stairs, grumpily dragging her packed trunk along with her. She did not want to leave Hogwarts and go see her family. She had nothing against her father, but she had suspicions about Petunia. Azalea thought that maybe Petunia had convinced her mother that Azalea was the bad child. That she deserved to be hated on. Azalea would have to... 'talk' with Petunia later.

Azalea dropped her trunk on the ground as she nervously walked towards Sirius. She was afraid that when she asked him, he would say no. Then he would be in possible danger.

"Hey Siri... You think maybe I could... Stay with you that last month instead of you coming to stay with me," Azalea asked as she bit her lip, looking up at him expectantly. Srius stared at Azalea, shocked. Why would she want to come to his house? Does she not remember what he said about his parents, the pureblood freaks?

"I mean, I know that they hate muggleborns and everything, but I don't really care. We could tell them I am a pureblood like you, and I can act all snobby and stuff...," Azalea ranted as she saw the shocked look on his face.

"Z," Sirius finally exclaimed, "They could kill you if they find out! They don't even know where I go when I leave that last month. They probably think I am with James or something."

"I don't care," Azalea cried out, "What if my mother hurts you? I don't know how far this is going to get, and I don't want you stuck in the middle of it. Please Siri!" Sirius looked at her for a moment before looking straight into her green eyes.

"Z, I won't get hurt. Your mother won't lay a hand on you or me. If she even trys to lay a hand on you, I will personally take care of it," he growled.

"You wouldn't do anything to her and you know it," Azalea snapped at him, "If I can't stop her, then you can't either. Please Siri. Just for now. We will tell them I am a pureblood freak! Please!"

Sirius sighed as he looked away from her, thinking of all the ways it could go wrong. What if they found out? What if Regulus told them what her blood status really was? What if was all he could think of.

"If you really want to Z... Then I guess you can," Sirius finally sighed, "You are going to be in a lot of danger, remember that. If they found out... I don't know what they would do." Azalea screamed and jumped on Sirius, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she cheered. Sirius stumbled back a bit, struggling to gain his balance once more.  Azalea smiled at him and kissed his cheek, jumping off to grab her trunks once more.

"Well, what are we waiting for? The train isn't going to wait just for us," she exclaimed as she ran out of the common room.

Sirius' cheeks were bright red, and he felt as if his face were on fire. The other three Marauders saw this and laughed at Sirius for a good ten minutes.

"Go on Sirius," James laughed, "Your lover is waiting on you! You better hurry, or she will go back to only hugs and no kisses!"

Sirius glared at them and hissed "shut up" before grabbing his trunk and leaving the common room. When he closed the portrait hole, he could still hear the boys laughter. Sirius murmured things under his breath as he walked to the train, slightly angry at them for making fun of him. What would James do if Lily kissed him on the cheek? Exactly.

Sirius pushed his way through the crowd, a few people falling over from his rough shoves. He didn't stop to help them or say sorry, though. He just wasn't in the mood. Sirius walked onto the train and to the compartment he knew Azalea would be in. She always insisted they sat in the same spot, and if someone was already sitting in there, she barked at them. Literally.

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