Chapter 1 - "It Will Be Fun"

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"Siri is coming! Siri is coming," Azalea chanted as she ran down the steps.

"We get it, Azalea," Petunia said, rolling her eyes, "One of your freak friends are coming over. Don't make a big deal out of it. Like you, I am sure he isn't special."

"He is not a freak! And neither are we! Besides, once you see him, you will be begging for him to pay attention to you. You will see how special he is," Azalea smirked as she sat down for breakfast.

"I highly doubt that I will be begging for anyone to pay attention to me," Petunia stated, "They already pay attention to me. Have you seen me? My amazing beauty?"

"You don't have amazing beauty. More like remarkable ugliness," she scoffed. She scared down her eggs, hoping time would move faster. Sirius said he would be there as soon as he finished breakfast since Azalea had insisted he come before lunch. She didn't want to wait that long, though. She had already waited two months! Azalea heard screams coming from the sitting room, and ran in to see a face in the fireplace. Sirius' face. He seemed to be yelling at his mother and didn't realize anyone was around.

"Oh my glob! Look at you! Would it hurt if I just...," Azalea started, putting her foot over his face. That got Sirius' attention.

"Goodbye, mother," Sirius yelled angrily behind him, "Please don't step on me, Z. It might actually hurt! Or worse, your foot will get stuck in my house." He completely stepped through, smiling at Azalea. He bent down and patter his legs, dusting off the ashes from the fireplace. Azalea tackled Sirius in a hug, and he groaned as his back hit the edge of his trunk.

"You are taller," Azalea exclaimed. She could see Petunia craving her neck to get a good look at Sirius.

"And you are shorter," Sirius smirked as Azalea slapped him in the back of the head, "Okay Z! I get it! Now, can you please get off of me? That hurt, you know!" Azalea smiled apologetically and got off of him. She held out her hand to help him up.

"Sorry about that. I guess landing on a trunk doesn't feel good." Sirius took her hand and got up.

"No, it doesn't," he stated as Azalea jumped in his arms again. He took a few steps back, but put his arms around her to return the hug. Sirius gently put Azalea down, turning to her parents with a smile.

"Hi, I am Sirius. Thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it," he shook their hands.

"It's no problem," Mrs. Evans exclaimed, "Anyone that is willing to keep Azalea company is welcome in our home! It will get her off of our hands!" Azalea rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Move out of the way," Petunia hissed as she pushed Lily behind her parents, stepping in front to see Sirius. Petunia's jaw dropped.

"Hello," Petunia batted her eyelashes. She was going to at least try to get him to pay attention to her, even if he was one of those freaks. Sirius turned, and his smile immediately dropped.

"Uhh...hi," he said with a small wave, "Hi, Lily." Lily stepped out from behind her parents, smiling brightly.

"How was your summer," she asked politely. Sirius frowned and looked down.

"It could have gone better. Well, it is better now that I am away from home. Also, James told me to ask you if you will go out with him."

"Ugh! What a toe-rag! Tell him no. Of course not," she yelled. Sirius smiled and shook his head. He tried to tell James she would say no, but he wouldn't listen to Sirius.

"So, Sirius," Petunia started again, but he quickly started talking to Azalea.

"Why don't you show me to my room," he asked with a pleading glance.

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