Chapter 4 - First Day of Classes

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Azalea sighed as she walked towards the great hall for breakfast, her eyes drooping as she walked. She had not gotten used to a schedule yet, and her sleep suffered because of this. She didn't like the idea of having to actually go to classes at Hogwarts. She wished it could be all fun and games, but that was simply unrealistic.

Sirius held his breath as he watched Azalea walk in. He looked her up and down, examining her incorrect uniform. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt, the normal skirt, and a pair of red converse with knee high socks.. Her robes were inside out, her tie on backwards, and a pointed hat sat on her head.

Sirius snickered as she walked closer, lifting his arm off of the girl sitting next to him. He made a a waving gesture at her outfit, his hands moving in a way that said "what is this".

"A little bit out of uniform, aren't we," he asked, placing the arm around the girl once again. The girl burst into obnoxious giggles, blinking rapidly at Sirius. Azalea could tell she was older than him, but only by a year or two at most.

"The uniform is stupid," Azalea whined as she plopped down beside Sirius, "And look at this skirt! I hate it! And the tight shirt? No, thanks. It is way to revealing! I do not want to be seen as a sex object."

"Aren't you going to get in trouble though? I mean, detention on your first day? Professor McGonagall won't like that," he joked.

"I don't care what she likes," Azalea said, waving a piece of bacon at Sirius, "She is going to have to deal with me for seven years. She better get used to the fact that I am not going to dress properly, no matter how many detentions she gives me!"

"Well, what about the robes being inside out and the tie? What reason do you have behind that," Sirius snorted. James, Remus, and Peter arrived at this point,  and began to listen to the conversation.

"I want to look like a unorganized sea urchin," Azalea cried, as she threw a piece of toast at his face, "Now stop asking your stupid questions."

"Why would you do that," the girl screeched, her voice loud and high pitched, "You could have ruined his perfect face!" 

"What does it matter to you," Azalea snorted, "One, you were not a part of the conversation. Two, I don't know you so I don't really have to answer to you."

"I am his girlfriend! You are just a stupid little bi-," she screamed, but was interrupted when Azalea slapped her. She gasped, holding her cheek. She held back tears, glaring at Azalea.

"Do not talk to me like that. I am his best friend. If you can't get that through your tiny brain, then I suggest you move on. You are not the one for Sirius. Take a hint." The girl huffed, standing up quickly. She muttered a quiet "we are done" to Sirius before leaving the Great Hall. Sirius turned to glare at Azalea, only to be met with a large grin.

"She deserved it," Azalea defended herself. Sirius ended up laughing, shaking his head in amusement. She was right. That girl would not have lasted much longer.

Unfortunately for Azalea, potions her very first class. She had heard the dungeons were freezing, and that the potions teacher was a little... different. Word of his boring clubs and awful parties spread quickly to the new class. Students had gossiped about it the whole morning, warning each other of the weirdness ahead.

"We are off to see the potions master, potions master of the North. We are off to the potions master, potion master of Hogearts," Azalea sang quietly as they all began their walk to the dungeons.

When Azalea entered the room, she saw Severus sitting at a table by himself. She quickly sat next to him before Lily could, smiling brightly. Sirius sat by Masters whispering comforting words in her ears. Remus sat by Peter, forcing Lily to sit next to James. This amused the friends greatly, causing them to release small snickers. They instantly quiet once a large man walked in, his smile easing their anxiety.

"Hello class! My name is Professor Slughorn, and I will be your potions professor this year. I would like you all to memorize where you are sitting, because it will be your seat for the rest of the year." Lily groaned quietly, but continued to listen. Azalea completely ignored him for the rest of his speech.

"Azalea," Severus hissed at her, "Azalea, we are supposed to be working on this potion." He grabbed her arm lightly, pushing his fingers into her skin. He knew he had caught her attention when she screamed.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Evans," Professor Slughorn asked, his voice tinted with concern. He hoped that none of the students were allergic to the Boil-Cure Potion ingredients this year. 

"No, sir," Azalea muttered, shaking her head, "I just thought that a spider had came out of my textbook, and I was freaking out. Sorry for the interruption." She apologized, beginning to gather ingredients for the potion with Severus. There were a few snorts being passed around the room, but Professor Slughorn just raised his eyebrows.

After potions class Azalea had double Transfiguration with the Hufflepuff's. Azalea wanted to see if she could find someone exciting from that house to talk to. So far, she had a friend in Gryffindor and Slytherin, but she wanted to complete the collection.

Azalea immediately picked out a girl who was hiding in the desk in the corner. When Azalea sat by the girl, she looked ready to pee herself. Azalea had clearly scared her.

"I'm Azalea," she chirped, "You are going to tell me your name, hair color, and where you hide at in awkward moments."

"My name is Chloe, I have brunette hair, and I would hide in a huge jacket," Chloe answered, laughing quietly.

"Oh my glob! I knew I could find a friend in hufflepuff! I told you Siri!"

"Siri," he yelled back questionably.

"It sounds more girly," Azalea laughed, winking in his direction.

" Ms. Evans. Would you kindly stand up," McGonagall barked as she walked into the room, her eyes trained on Azalea.

"Sure," Azalea chirped as she stood, swaying back and forth. She had a hard time sitting still, and the swaying always helped.

"What are you wearing," Professor McGonagall asked calmly.

Azalea looked down confused, and then looked back up at her professor "Clothes? Doesn't everyone wear clothes?"

"Yes, Ms. Evans, and I advice you to wear the correct clothes tomorrow or you will get detention," she snapped as she walked to her desk. Azalea stood rooted to the spot, not moving an inch. She wasn't told to go sit back down, so she wasn't going to.

"Ms. Evans, you can take a seat now," McGonagall sighed.

"Take me to lunch, Siri," Azalea called once class had ended, hopping onto his back.

"Siri," his girlfriend whined, batting her eyelashes at Sirius, "I thought me and you were going to go to lunch together?"

"Do not call him that," Azalea hissed.

The girl glared at Azalea, keeping quiet for the rest of the walk. The boys were trying to keep from laughing. They just hoped the girl had learned her lesson that morning. When the group arrived, they all sat down in their usual seats. The girlfriend sat with them, desperately trying to converse with Sirius.

"Siri, do you think we could go and do something today," she asked loudly so Azalea could hear.

Azalea dropped her fork and stood up, walking over to the girl. Without saying a word, she leaped for the girl. Azalea threw the girl on the table, punching her as hard as she could. It took four boys to pull her off, and even then she managed to get another hit. Professor McGonagall sighed from beside Professor Dumbledore, shaking her head.

"Can we expel her yet," she asked. She knew Azalea would be a lot of trouble and did not want to have to put up with that for a whole seven years. Professor Dumbledore chuckled, shaking his head.

"Minerva, you know as well as I that we can't afford to let anyone go out in the world unprotected with the dangers threatening us at the moment. It would be our fault if anything happens to the girl. I hear she is a great seer as well."

"I know," she said as she watched the four boys try to get her off of the girl, "I know."

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