Chapter 5 - Funerals

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"Lily! Lily!" Lily didn't turn her head at hearing James voice, her feet picking up speed, "This is important, Evans!" Lily still didn't turn around, her books wobbling unsteadily as she continued to walk quickly away from him. Lily squealed as her books toppled over, her body falling forwards in an attempt to catch them. James was instantly in front of her, holding her by the waist and helping her up. He bent down and picked up the book that she didn't catch, gently putting it back in her hands.

"Thanks," she muttered.

"Oh, you are welcome," he smiled at her, "Will you listen to me now?"

"You have five minutes," she agreed reluctantly, "What is so important?"

"Well, Azalea has been wanting me to tell you that she wants to talk to you. I know you got back two days ago but she kept saying you were ignoring her or something. She practically screamed at a group of first years to find you for her. They were too scared to do anything that she was telling them to, though. We have all been trying to convince you to speak to her."

"I know," she said, her eyes watching the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, "Remus and Sirius both had a talk with me. And I really don't want another one."

"But what did she do? You don't think that she didn't help your mum on purpose, do you? Your mum told her not to come! She wanted to," he defended her.

"Like I believe that," she snapped, "Azalea and mum have never seen eye to eye, but that doesn't mean she could just let her be in so much pain. I would be surprised if she even went to dads funeral!" With that said, Lily pushed past James and stormed angrily in the direction of the common room.

"Lily," he questioned, running after her, "I won't try to convince you about her anymore. I think she needs to tell you. But I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to come to, you could come to me. I may not seem like much of help, but I can be if you want me to be." Lily glanced at James and momentarily forgot her anger.

"Okay, Potter. That is very sweet of you. I will keep you in mind." James nodded and smiled at her, heading to the opposite direction. He was a little disappointed that she had called him Potter and not James, but he didn't care all that much. She had called him sweet. That alone was enough to keep him happy for a month.

Azalea pulled the black dress on over her head, the soft fabric tight on her skin. She lifted up her arm and tried to zip up the back of her dress, almost falling over when she did. She frowned and stepped out of the bathroom, calling 'Siri' before stepping back in.

"Yeah," he asked, poking his head through the door, "You need something?" Azalea had been staying with Sirius in his dorm room since her dad died, the pain from it all making her weak and confused. Sirius was doing her best to take care of her, but he knew that there wasn't much he could do to help her. All he really could do was be there for her and hope that he was helping her.

"Will you zip me up," she asked quietly, "I can't get it." Sirius nodded and put his fingers around the zipper, pausing a moment before slowly pulling it up. Azalea moved her bright red hair out of the way, shivering as his fingers brushed across her bare back. 

"Thanks," she whispered when he had finished, turning and smiling at him gently. She glanced at his shirt and sighed, shaking her head quickly. She reached out her hands and buttoned the top two buttons that were left opened, Sirius watching her curiously.

"It is a funeral," she muttered, "You don't need to do your whole bad boy look thing today." Sirius chuckled and nodded his head, her hands now by his neck as she fixed his collar. 

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