Chapter 4 - Not a Monster

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Lucius was walking down a corridor, looking for some first years to mess with when he saw the two red heads. He smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. He was going to have some fun.

"If it isn't the Gryffindor mudbloods," Lucius snickered as he walked up to Lily and Azalea, "What are you two doing out here by yourselves, unprotected?" Lucius took out his wand, pointing it at Lily.

"You first," he hissed as he raised the wand, about to shoot a spell. Sirius, Peter, James, and Remus came behind Lucius at that moment. They were about to hex him, but Azalea beat them to it. She then pulled him to her and whispered so quietly that only Lily could hear.

"Arse," Azalea screamed after Malfoy, who had took off running down the hall at her earlier threat.

"Was it really necassary to tell him you were going to shove his foot down his throat and tie his hands together with his nose hairs," Lily asked with a frown.

"Yes. It was absolutely necassary," Azalea stated with a huff, "He should be glad I didn't threaten to tie his nose hairs around his-"

"Azalea Roseletta Evans! Don't you dare say it," hissed Lily. Azalea gave her a confused look, while the boys stopped their laughing to listen in on their conversation.

"I was just going to say tongue," Azalea mumbled, "I am offended that you would think I would say such a thing! Well...never mind...I would say such a thing." The boys began laughing once again, and they didn't stop until Professor McGonagall came by.

"Causing a disturbance in the corridors...detention," she snapped at them, "And I assume Mrs. Evans, Azalea that is, is the one that is the cause of this, so you will have detention with them." She walked away, her head held up high.

"Minnie the meanie," Azalea yelled after her, only for Professor McGonagall to turn back around.

"Detention tomorrow night, as well? Would you like a weeks worth?"

"I will accept your offer of a week of no homework," she smiled brightly. Professor McGonagall glared at Azalea and swiftly turned around.

"No," she said calmly, heading towards the Great Hall. Azalea frowned and crossed her arms angrily.

"Fine then. Be that way," she hissed as she turned around and smiled at the boys, "Let's go eat!" All six of them began heading to the Great Hall, Azalea in the lead. She marched along to a song she created.

"Stomp, stomp, stomp! Stomping for food!"

"Azalea, stop," Lily finally screamed at her, "That is getting very annoying." Azalea stopped and turned to Lily with her best pouting face.

"B-but Lily," Azalea fake whined as she made her bottom lip quiver, "I like singing! I want to sing!" 

"No, Azalea. Are you going to stop, or are you going to make me punish you," she hissed.

"No! Tell her, Siri! Tell her how beautiful my voice is," Azalea screamed.

"Leave me out of this," Sirius spoke up from behind Lily. Lily took out Azalea's backpack leash from her messenger bag, quickly strapping it on her. Azalea looked down and frowned.

"Danggg ittttttt," she whined, "I was sure I was going to have a backpack leash free year this year!"

"Maybe if you behaved and didn't act like a lunatic then you would not have to wear it at all," Lily told her, walking ahead and pulling on the leash.

"Siri," Azalea whined as she sat on the ground, Lily dragging her to the double doors, "Tell her to let go of me!" Azalea turned herself around so her body was facing Sirius.

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