Chapter 2 - Jobs

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Siri," Azalea called, slipping on her shoes.

    "I'm coming," he shouted back, jogging down the hall.

    "How long does it take to do your hair," she muttered bitterly. "Siri," she called again.

    "I'm here," he huffed from beside her, unbuttoning the first two buttons on his white collared shirt. 

   "Look presentable," she wagged a finger at him, reaching forwards to grab her hat.

    "Why? It's just the Potters," he hung his tie around his neck, not bothering to tie it. Azalea shook her head, placing the hat on her head.

    "So? We are supposed to dress nice. It says it on the card," she flicked the card at him.

    "The card sucks," he slapped it away.

   "From what I understand, important people will be there, too. Important people who can help us in the future."

      "Like who? Dumbledore and some random quidditch player? Yeah, they are so important for our futures."

    "You never know," she muttered, "We might get offered a job for flying or something," she grinned. 

   "If anyone gets a job, it will be me," he protested, "I am the one who is a quidditch player, here."

     "But I am the better flyer," she stuck her tongue out at him, "I can fly upside down."

    "That was an accident and you know it," he cried out, "Nothing to do with talent!"

    "I think it was," she crossed her arms, "Can you fly upside down? No? I thought so," she smirked.

   "Shut up," he hissed, snaking an arm around her waist. Azalea giggled as she wrapped an arm around his neck lazily. "Come on, love. It's time we get going."

    "But-," he tried to object.

    "No! No! We are going, wether it is boring or not." He sighed in defeat, kissing her lips lightly.

    "Now can we stay," he backed her into the wall.

     "No," she pushed him half-heartedly, almost tripping over her dress pants. "No distractions or excuses." 

    "But I'm a good distraction," he breathed, brushing his nose against her neck. Azalea sucked in her breath, closing her eyes as he trailed kisses across her skin.

    "I love you, Azalea Evans," Sirius grinned, pulling away. He turned and bounced away, whistling as he opened the door. Azalea hissed under her breath, stomping after him.

   "I love you too, you giant flea bag."

   "Can't we just apperate? I know how," he whined as she unlocked their car.

    "Of course not. I hate apperating."

     "But it's only a few miles away!"

     "Do you want to walk," she jutted her hip out, putting a hand on that hip. Her lips pursed as she waited for an answer.

   "No," he finally said, climbing into the drivers seat.

    "Good," she smirked, jumping in beside him.

    "I hate how you always win. It isn't fair!"

    "Isn't being in love fun," she giggled as she fastened her seatbelt.

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