Chapter 6 - Get Up

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Azalea watched as James swaggered up to Lily, his mouth opening as he began to speak. The smirk that rested on his face was gone a few seconds later, his hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. He nodded slightly and walked away, his head bent down.

   "Want some advice," Azalea chirped as she skipped up to him.

   "I'm not in the mood," he muttered grumpily to her.

    "Don't ask her out so much. She thinks it's annoying," she told him, "And try to act normal around her. Don't be all arrogant and stuff."

   "It isn't that easy, you know. I thought it would be after the ball, but...," he shook his head, "It doesn't matter. It's not like she will give me a chance, anyways."

   "Yes she will," Azalea said stubbornly, "I know she will. And I think she fancies you already, James. She blushes around you. Have you noticed that? I have."

   "Really? Since when? For how long?"

   "For a while," she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Probbaly since the ball. You guys connected," she intertwined her fingers together.

   "You think so," he chanced a glance behind him, "She was looking at me!" Azalea looked back and grinned at her twin sister, pointing between her and James and making a heart shape with her hands. Lily shook her head and pointed at her tongue, fake puking silently.

   "That's a good sign," she turned back to James, "It probably meant she was thinking about you. Maybe even about what you just asked her."

   "Really? You think," he practically screamed with excitement. 

   People turned their heads over to them but neither bothered to snap at them until they looked away. "I do," she nodded her head, "But don't tell her that. I'm sister betraying over here. That's never a good thing to do. I'm like a double agent," she snorted.

    "Wow, Azalea. Just wow," James shook his head.

   "Snape kissed her," she blurted out suddenly, "They were snogging."

    "What? He has no right to do that," James began to get angry.

    "He loves her. And she wanted it, too. He has every right," she told him in a harsh tone.

   "So do I," he screamed at her, "And you don't see me snogging her, do you?"

    "You would if you could," she reminded him. "Wait-did you just say you loved her," Azalea was only slightly shocked. She knew James fancied Lily, but she didn't think his crush had gone that far. Of course, she had seen their son in the future. How could she not have thought he did?

   "No. You were hearing things," he said briefly, "Where is Snape? You usually know. I can go get the map. That will help a ton."

   "You can't just go and beat him up! He will know I told you and he will be a snitch and tell Lily! Then we will both be in some major trouble. Red-heads have a temper, you know?"

   "Unfortunately I do," he winced, "Lily has used it on me several times. Not very pleasant, if I do say so myself."

   "I know," she shivered.

   "So what do I do," he interrupted her thoughts, "Should I tell her I love her or leave it be? Should I bug her some more or back off? Should I-"

   "Stop," she interrupted him, "First, Ha! You admitted it! And second, you should give her some space. I think she secretly likes having you around and when you aren't, I think she will realize her true feelings."

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