Chapter 6 - You're Right

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Azalea had her eyes open, staring up at the ceiling. Sirius had wrapped his arms around her in the middle of the night, and after trying to get him off of her for twenty minutes, she gave up. Azalea was bored. She had nothing to do but stare at the ceiling, which bored her even more. Azalea screamed quietly as Sirius suddenly turned over, bringing her with him. Azalea was now on top of Sirius, looking down at his sleeping body.

"Gosh dang it, mate," she hissed silently. She tried to pull his arms away from her, failing yet again.

"I hate your strong, muscular, quidditch arms," Azalea huffed as she fell limp in his arms. She watched as his chest fell up and down with his breaths, his mouth closed. She noticed how messy his hair was, and her heart picked up its beat. Azalea frowned, putting her hand over her heart.

"What the bloody hell," she asked quietly. Azalea looked back up at Sirius and smiled to herself, thinking about how peaceful he looked. Her breathing began to get ragged, causing a deep panic within her. Why was she so out of breath? Azalea gasped quietly as Sirius groaned and opened his eyes. He looked at her with a confused gaze for before speaking.

"Why are you on top of me, Z?" Azalea's breathing went faster at his deep morning voice. How had she not noticed how attractive that was before?

"You put me here," she managed to sputter through her small panic. Sirius looked at her strangely while she tried her best not to look him in the eyes. She was afraid of what else might happen to her breathing. Azalea's head snapped to the side as she heard laughing.

 "Having some fun I see," James snorted, "We will just leave you two alone for a while." He pulled Remus and Peter out of the door, their snickers following them down the hall. Azalea felt herself about to blush, but she forced it to go away. She had never blushed over Sirius before, so why was she now? 

"Um, Siri? You still have me trapped here," Azalea said quietly as she looked down at his arms.

"Oh, sorry, Z," Sirius told her as he reluctantly pulled his hands away. Azalea nodded and rolled to the side, sitting up beside him.

"I will go get the boys and then go to my dorm. I'll meet you down in the common room when I'm done getting ready." Sirius nodded and Azalea jumped off of his bed, walking to the door and throwing it open. She was about to walk out when the three boys fell in front of her feet, obviously trying to listen in.

"Get back in there and stop spying on me and Siri," she snapped at them. She left quickly, hoping she could talk to Lily before she left for her train. When Azalea walked in, Lily groaned and tried to walk out of the door 

"Lily, I know you are still mad at me, but I really need to talk to you," Azalea told her as she blocked the exit. Lily didn't answer Azalea, but instead tried to push her way through. Azalea pushed Lily and she stumbled backwards, almost falling down. Lily once again tried to get out of the door, but Azalea just pushed her more harshly.

"Fine! I will talk to you, Azalea! This better be important," Lily snapped as she sat on her bed. Azalea nodded and moved so she could sit by her sister. 

"Don't worry, it is," Azalea reassured her, "This morning something weird happened. Something I didn't quite understand," Azalea frowned. Lily looked at her strangely for a moment before realizing what she was talking about.

"This has something to do with Sirius, doesn't it? He is the only one you are with in the mornings. What did he do to you," Lily asked worriedly, grabbing Azalea's hands. Azalea shook her head.

"He didn't do anything, but, yes, it does have something to do with him. I don't really know what happened to me. Lily, I almost blushed." Lily gasped.

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