Chapter 5 - Accusations

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Azalea frowned as she looked at the letter she had gotten. It said the same thing as the one she received two weeks before. Her parents didn't want her staying at Hogwarts for the holidays anymore.

"Siri," Azalea cried out, stomping to the common room, "My parents refuse to see reason!"

"So they still aren't letting you stay," Sirius asked with a frown, "Well, then, I guess you will have to go home. You don't need to argue with your parents about it." Azalea sighed and hung her head down, popping back up when an idea struck her.

 "You can come stay with us!" Sirius shook his head. 

"I can't come and intrude on your holidays. You gO. You will be back in a couple of weeks. Don't worry." Azalea frowned.

"I get it. Well, I am going to get my trunks and you wait here so you can take me to the train," she stated as she turned towards the stairs.

Azalea climbed the stairs, feeling dizzy as a vision tried to make its way into her mind. She gritted her teeth and kept walking, already used to the pain from keeping them away. Sirius helped a lot with her pain, but they still came tried to enter her mind relemtlessly. Azalea always kept them away. Lily had told her it was similar to something called occumelency. The only difference was that her mind was not being intruded by a person, just visions.

Azalea got to her room as quickly as possible, grabbing her trunks.  She placed Bob, the new name of her owl, on top of them. She dragged the two trunks down the stairs. Both of the trunks were heavy, even though one didn't have anything in it. Azalea liked carrying an extra trunk just in case she needed it for anything. If her or the boys needed to hide something, like pranking items, then she would have the perfect place to keep them.

"Siri, why do purebloods hate muggleborns so much? Who taught them to be that way? Why did they listen to whoever said it," Azalea asked quietly as the two made their way out of the portrait hole.

These questions had been running through Azalea's mind. Ever since she was told she had to go home for the holidays, she had been thinking about it. Azalea first thought of it when she realized Sirius would be alone. Then she began thinking of why he would be alone. 

"They think you are lower than them. They think they are more powerful than you just because they have been around magic for their whole lives. I don't really know who taught them. It just... happened, I guess."

Azalea nodded and followed Sirius quietly. She still didn't quite understand. Why would they treat her that way when they don't even know her? Azalea got tired of thinking about why muggleborns were treated the way they were. Instead, she smiled and began screaming at people to distract herself. They didn't appreciate it very much.

"You two! Stop stuffing your pockets with dung and get a move on! I want to see you two on the train in sixty seconds! I will send the giant squid after you," she screamed after Crabbe and Gayle, who stood across the hall.

The two boys didn't realize it was Azalea screaming and not a professor, so they began running to the train as fast as they could. Azalea couldn't keep in her laughter as she saw them wobbling towards the train. It was such a fun sight to see. Lily was behind Azalea, shaking her head. How could Azalea do that to people and not feel bad about it? She just didn't understand.

"Azalea! Stop messing with people! It is mean," she stated, walking away to go find Severus. 

"Stop messing with people," Azalea mocked in a fake Lily voice, "It is meannnnnnnnn." Azalea kept quiet, though, because she knew Lily would still hear her and come back to yell. Azalea looked at the train that now sat in front of her. She still didn't see what was so important about her staying for the holidays. She didn't have to stay last year! She turned to Sirius and gave him a hug. She whispered in his ear quietly so no one would hear, "Keep searching in the library. We need to find something to help poor Remus."

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