Chapter 4 - Race

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"Merry Halloween, Lily," Azalea cheered as she skipped to her.

"Happy," Lily corrected.

"Happy Christmas? I think you have gotten your holidays mixed up there."

"Azalea," Lily sighed, "You sure are something."

"I am a goat," Azalea decided, "Because that is a something."

"You are hyper today, aren't you?"

 "Nope," she popped the 'p' at the end.

"Yes, you are. Who gave you a cookie? Or did they give you candy? Sirius!"

"It was just one chocolate frog," he defended himself. Azalea slapped him on the back of the head and hissed at him under her breath.

"You weren't supposed to tell her!"

"Well, I did," he crossed his arms defiantly, sticking his tongue out at her.

 "Oh, I know you didn't just stick your tongue out at me," Azalea gaped at him.

"Girl, you know I just did," he snapped mockingly at her.

"That's it. No kisses for a day."

"What? Woah woah! Hold up," he waved his arms around in a panic.

"Nope. Not holding up for anyone. We are going down. Deal with it."

"Great," Lily hissed under her breath, "They are both hyper. Remus, you know better than giving them candy!"

 "I didn't do it," he defended himself.

"Yeah," Lily snorted. "Sure."

"I can make you hold up," he told her, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her towards him.

"Siri, "she tried to pry away from him.

"Nope," he said as he pulled her in his lap.

"Dang you and those quidditch muscles!"

"You know you like them," he grinned.

   "Well...," Azalea shrugged, "They are kind of nice..."

"And now they are flirting," she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Please, no more!"

 "We aren't going anything, Lily," Azalea huffed, "You and James flirt all of the time and we don't complain, do we, Siri?"

"No," Sirius agreed, "We don't."

   "James and I do not flirt," Lily exclaimed in a disbelieving voice.

"Y-Yeah," James stuttered out, "We do not!"

"Yes, you do," Azalea sang out, "James and Lily sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes loves, next comes marriage! Then comes-"

"Shut it," Lily hissed at her sister.

"You called him James," Azalea pointed out.

"What? I-I did not," she snapped at her.

   "Yes, you did," Sirius poked her cheek, "Admit it. You fancy James! We all knew it was going to happen eventually. Now, Peter, I think you owe me ten galleons." Peter grumbled something under his breath as he began to fish ten galleons out of his pocket.

"No, I don't," Lily objected. "James is a selfish, big headed, toe rag! And why are you placing bets on this? Since when have you placed bets on us?"

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