Chapter 2 - James' House

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Sirius woke up to the sun shining in his eyes. He groaned, rolling to the side and hiding his eyes. He jumped when he bumped into something warm. And when he opened his eyes, he saw Azalea.

"Oh my gosh, Z," Sirius exclaimed, "Not again! I told you, I am not going to Azkaban and getting a Dementors Kiss!" He shook her lightly. She had been having nightmares of Sirius all summer, and she refused to stay with Lily. She said she had to make sure Sirius was alright. Every day he would wake up and try to convince her nothing was going to happen to him. Sirius sighed, placing Azalea in his arms carrying her towards her room. Azalea opened one eye, closing it when she saw Sirius.

"Don't take me back," she whined, "You make a comfortable pillow! Besides, Lily gets mad at me when I don't come to her first, and I don't want her to yell at me!"

"Well, then maybe you should go to her first! Then she wouldn't be mad at you, and maybe then you would listen to me when I say I'm not going to get a Dementors Kiss," Sirius exclaimed as he continued to walk.

"I do listen to you! I just don't believe you, that's all," Azalea defended herself, "Please don't hand me to the angry red head! Its like handing me over to that guy you are always talking about!"

"Don't even joke about him, Z. He would kill you in a heart beat. Lily is not that bad! She is just going to give you the same speech she does every morning!"

"I know! All she says is don't disturb Sirius, blah, blah, blah," Azalea murmured as Sirius dropped her on her bed, "The nightmares don't come when you are around."

"I know, Z. You tell me that all the time. Hey, don't be so glum. Did you forget? James invited us to stay with him today. Since school starts in a couple of days he wants us to all stay at his house. He said his parents leave for a business trip today and will not be home until the day we leave."

"Okay," she whispered and then her eyes went wide, "James is coming today! Lily, your boyfriend is coming!"

"He is not my boyfriend," Lily yelled back, noticing Sirius, "Did you go and disturb Sirius again? Azalea! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" Azalea kept her head down through the whole talk. She hated when Lily yelled at her. Azalea skipped down to the kitchen when Lily was done talking. She plopped down beside Sirius, scarfing down her breakfast

"Azalea," Lily snapped, "You are going to choke! Stop that this instance!" Azalea ignored Lily and continued to eat her food quickly. When she was done eating, she jumped up and circled around the house. She decided last minute to scare James when he came in. The doorbell rang, and Azalea jumped behind a huge flower pot. When Lily answered the door, James immediately began smiling. His parents were behind him and were smiling politely as well.

"Hello, James," Lily said through gritted teeth, trying not to call him Potter in front of his parents, "Sirius is upstairs getting his and Azalea's things. He should be down any minute. Why don't you all step in and have a seat?" The three walked in, and Lily led them to the sitting room. James got up when he heard a loud noise from the stairs, seeing Sirius carrying several large trunks. James went up the stairs and met Sirius half way, taking some of the trunks to help.

"Where is Azalea? Shouldn't she be helping you," he asked.

"She is hiding," Sirius said simply, "I don't know where at, but I know she ran around the house all morning looking for the perfect place to hide." The two finally got the trunks down the stairs and in front of the door. Azalea looked through the flowers at the boys and smiled. She was going to scare them. It was payback for the time James sent her a howler and yelled at her for no reason.

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