Clover Club

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Module Name: Clover Club

Real Name: Clifford Clouse

Nickname(s): Cliff

Date Of Birth: January 2, 1996

Age: 28

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Pig

Designer: SEGA

Known Relationships/Family:

Cora Clouse (nèe Bartolome)/Clover Club Miku (wife) (married October 15, 2022)

Wardell Clouse (father) (born July 22nd, 1967)

Trina Clouse (mother) (born August 12th, 1969)

Occupation: Bartender at Clover Club

Specific Song: Clover Club

Song Producer: Yuuyu-P

Specific Song Anniversary: January 2, 2008

Fun Facts:

- His father is a bartender just like him. And his mother works as a waitress in a Popeye's.

And here's the Project Mirai version of Clover Club.

See you guys in the next headcanon!

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