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Module Name: Vocalostream

Real Name: Lesley Streno

Nickname(s): Stream

Date Of Birth: March 20, 1995

Age: 29

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Pig

Designer: LAM

Known Relationships/Family:

Peggy Longworth/Vocalonation Gumi (girlfriend) (May 18, 2022)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Album: Vocalostream

Album Producers: 164, DECO*27, Giga-P, n-buna, Neru, niki, nyanyannya, Omoi, Orangestar, Rockwell, Signal-P, JimmyThumb-P, Nayutan Seijin, Nuyuri, Balloon, Hitoshizuku-P, Mafumafu, Yama, & YurryCanon

Specific Album Anniversary: March 20, 2019

Fun Facts:

- This Kaito module and Drowsy Art Class have the same first name. However, their last names are different. And they are different genders.

- How did these 10 friends first meet? Vocalostream Miku (or her real name Amber Walters) met Vocalostream Luka (or her real name Merry Ammons) and Vocalostream Gumi (or her real name Sharlene Calvary) in fashion class in college. They all ended up getting along quite well, despite how stressed out Amber was during her time in college. As time went on, the three of them hung out a lot. During a best buddies trip to the amusement park one time, they met Vocalostream Kaito (or his real name Lesley Streno) and Vocalostream Meiko (or her real name Phyliss Reece). The rest of them? They didn't actually meet them in person. They met them through social media. Vocalostream IA (or her real name Oaklyn Hoffer) and Vocalostream Mayu (or her real name Beulah Rothstein), who are the youngest ones, they're only friends with them because Amber thought they were older than they actually are, but it turned out that they're younger than every single one of the others, with Beulah being the youngest. Nevertheless, everyone else still accepted them. Merrion came in because she has appeared on Beulah's page, though it had sparked controversy due to the fact Beulah is just a kid. Merrion gets sponsored by beauty companies, and she was a special guest for the page for some reason. And that made people suspicious. But these friends saw it as another opportunity for a new friend.

- Lesley is a sports geek, and loves to watch sports on TV, especially soccer. He will start yelling like it's 1999 if his favorite team wins. But he can't bring himself to actually do the sports himself.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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