Roasted Sweet Potato Song

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Module Name: Roasted Sweet Potato Song

Real Name: Antonio Bracamonte (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: やきいものうた

Romaji: Yakiimo no Uta

Nickname(s): Potato

Date Of Birth: October 24, 2001

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Scorpius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Snake

Designer: Tamara

Known Relationships/Family:

Persephone Acocella/Electric Angel Luka (girlfriend) (March 26, 2022)

Occupation: College student (he's currently a senior)

Specific Song: Roasted Sweet Potato Song

Song Producer: Kid-P

Specific Song Anniversary: October 24, 2010

Fun Facts:

- This Kaito module and Fluffy Priest Luka-Chan (or her real name Dahlia Piaia) are birthday twins.

- How did these 6 friends first meet? Roasted Sweet Potato Song Rin (or her real name Pardis Marshall) and Roasted Sweet Potato Song Len (or his real name Ashwin Marshall) were outside one day, and they want to eat roasted sweet potatoes. Then they see Roasted Sweet Potato Song Kaito (or his real name Antonio Bracamonte), who is selling them, and they get it. As they go back to their house, and on the way, they see a whole roasted sweet potato feast going on at one house. Curious, they go there and they see Roasted Sweet Potato Song Miku (or her real name Shae Barrett), Roasted Sweet Potato Song Meiko (or her real name Kori Montgomery), and Antonio. The three friends were previous customers of Antonio. They all gather around and eat those sweet potatoes, and Roasted Sweet Potato Song Luka (or her real name Petal Richards) comes to see it. She was also a customer of Antonio. Basically, roasted sweet potatoes brought this group of friends together.

- Antonio is the one who formed the entire friend group by selling roasted sweet potatoes. Besides that, he is a good student in his college.

- He wants to become a computer engineer once he graduates because he likes technology stuff. If that doesn't work out for him, he wants to be a chef.

- He can cook different recipes and not just ones involving sweet potatoes. He's a really good cook, and he's cooked for his family back when he was younger.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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