Play With Airplane

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Module Name: Play With Airplane

Real Name: Esteban Parada Salvatore (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Airplane

Date Of Birth: June 12, 1982

Age: 42

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Dog

Designer: Toro

Known Relationships/Family:

Claudia Salvatore/Poker Face (wife)

Occupation: Mob boss

Specific Album: Play With Airplane

Album Producers: bestgt, Kid-P, & Crystal-P

Specific Album Anniversary: June 12, 2016

Fun Facts:

- Claudia is a crime boss leader for the most powerful crime organization in the module city. It was formed between her and her husband Play With Airplane (or his real name Esteban Parada Salvatore), and they were leaders of another organization, but it was unfortunately losing power, so because of the marriage, the thing strengthened. It's made up of the family members from Claudia and her husband's side too.

- Not only is she a crime boss leader, but is also the CEO of Salvatore L.L.C, a company which owns several legal businesses. They look like legal businesses but they act like disguises for the funny business that goes on in the organization, like money laundering, exporting illegal things, drugs, and all that stuff. The legal businesses are known to be a pizza chain, a construction company that helps to build things, and even a private university, which is rumored to have an underground meth and cocaine lab. All the funny business happens in secret because they all look normal on the outside. They look like normal people, yet nobody can suspect a thing about them due to how well they do their thing. They never do their crimes out in the open; it has to be in secret.

- Claudia is Italian. And Esteban is Mexican. Esteban is a pilot who usually travels through countries to secret distribute illegal substances.

- The Ultimate modules are basically the leaders of the module city, and they know about Claudia and her crime organization. But despite their governmental power, they're unable to take them down because they don't have any evidence against them. Since the organization has had a major influence over the increase of Latino and European immigrants, they also can't risk harming themselves. The private university that was made by the organization has its majority of students that come from this racial background, so the Ultimates could lose support if they did anything, especially by the Italian and Latino population, and they don't want to cause more funny business than there already is.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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