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Module Name: Fate:Rebirth

Real Name: Reuben Reagan

Nickname(s): None

Date Of Birth: June 2, 1987

Age: 37

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rabbit

Designer: HaruAki

Known Relationships/Family:

Brice Reagan (father) (born January 14th, 1965)

Kacey Reagan (mother) (born May 17th, 1967) (deceased March 22nd, 1999)

Layla Reagan (stepmother) (born April 3rd, 1972)

Sherilyn Reagan (wife) (born October 1st, 1990)

Saturn Reagan (son) (born November 6th, 2011)

Athena Reagan (daughter) (born June 17th, 2022)

Alec Reagan/Fate:Rebirth Gackpo (older brother)

Norene Reagan (sister-in-law) (born September 10th, 1985)

Nike Reagan (niece) (born August 14th, 2010)

Pandora Reagan (niece) (born January 29th, 2013)

Tori Reagan/Fate -Door Of Fate- Miku (younger sister)

Ezra Reagan (nephew) (born October 21st, 2011)

Calliope Reagan (niece) (born August 15th, 2012)

Achilles Reagan (nephew) (born November 18th, 2014)

Demeter Reagan (niece) (born December 7th, 2013)

Fabio Reagan/Fate:Rebirth Len (younger stepbrother)

Mercury Reagan (step-nephew) (born February 14th, 2022)

Kacey Reagan (step-niece) (born February 14th, 2022)

Hermes Reagan (step-nephew) (born February 14th, 2022)

Occupation: Doctor

Specific Song: Fate:Rebirth

Song Producer: Natsu-P

Specific Song Anniversary: November 16, 2009

Fun Facts:

- Reuben named his son Saturn after the Roman god of agriculture. Because like his siblings Alec and Tori, he loves mythology.

- Reuben's son Saturn has a crush on Sekiranun Graffiti (or her real name Lillie Burdett). But Reuben doesn't want him to start dating yet.

- Saturn is at average height. He has green eyes from his mom, and his dad's blue hair. He tends to become very helpful to his parents at times.

Here's the specific song:

And here's the 2018 live version.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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