Stark Raving Dad

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Lisa reminds Kevin that the wedding is coming up. Nolan's traditional white shirt turns pink in the wash. Meanwhile, psychologist told Nolan to take the test. After receiving a take-home psychological test from him, instead of filling out the test himself, he carelessly lets Kevin fill it out for him, who does a rush-job by ticking all the boxes, not aware of what the consequences would be. After handing it in, Nolan is promptly judged to be insane and committed to a mental institution. There he is bunked with his brother-in-law Waldemar Lahr. However, Lahr is Marva Lynn's maiden name.

After staying in about ten days, Fred and Karl married Mary Ann and Lynn, and Paul, Grady, Ed, Fran, Bill, Mick and Roy were proud of them, except Nolan.

Nolan and family came at the their house, and Fred and Karl were there before preparing a honeymoon, and Waldemar is also there as well.

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