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"Sister you sure this is a good idea? You know crossing that ocean..."

"Crossing the raging sea is better than being stuck in this war sister... I pray you'll come to your senses as well Hinowa."

"Tsunowa..." The red head said sadly as she watched her sister get on a boat taking to the sea.

Nearly two decades later.

"Can you tell me more about your mother (Y/N)?"

"Why the sudden interest Akame?"

"Well... As you told me before you lost them you said your parents were very caring so I want to know what your mother was like."

"Huh let's see... Her name was Tsunowa about your height maybe a bit taller by an inch I'm not exactly too sure she was famous for her Blue hair and Purple Eyes For her appearance and not only was she strong, she was very kind to others. If I had to say any trait I had from her... I think it would be my nose and maybe ears?"

"Can you draw me a picture? To the best of your memory?"

"Sure give me a moment." (Y/N) said escorting Akame to their couch as he grabbed a pen and paper and started to draw what his mother looked like (the picture above).

"She's pretty!"

"Thanks I wish she was alive you two would've gone along great!"

"You think so? If that's the case I'll keep this drawing with me then." She smiled as she folded the drawing resting her head on her husband's shoulder.

Back to the present.

"Akame who is this woman?" Hinowa asked as she noticed a folded piece of paper on the floor of their house.

"Oh that must've fallen out. That woman is my husband's mother Tsunowa."

"Tsunowa?! Is that her name?"

"Yea why?"

"As you know I took my mother's name Hinowa to spread the name however my mom had an older sister named Tsunowa who left Wakoku... When you said me and your husband are a bit similar... She does look similar to my mom... Does this mean?"

"It means... Uh...." Akame blushes as her stomach growled stopping their train of thought.

"I guess your hungry we should head into town we need stuff to eat for tonight anyways. Want to come?"


"Excuse me Commander (Y/N) but lady Yomihime has returned and requests your audience she says it's urgent." A Tenrou solider said to the young man as he inspected the weaponry they had as Zuou wanted him to meet back with Yomihime.

"Sure thing... I wonder what she wants to talk to me about... Well at least it's not Najasho or Nahashu as he's going by now... I still can't believe he remembers nothing... I guess its for the best after all he was extremely loyal to the Empire so if he regained his memory and found out what I did... It'll be problematic." He thought to himself as he followed the soldier heading into a medical tent where he saw a medic attending to Yomihime's arm.

"Good your here... I have something... Distressing to tell you." She said as she gestured the others to leave them.

"Only four weeks of me being here and already bad news?" He said getting close to Yomihime hovering his hand over her wound as his shield glowed blue.

"You healed my wound? Why?"

"Force of habit really. So what did you want to tell me?"

"Your wife... Is her name Akame?" Yomihime said getting sudden chills as the air around them grew cold.

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