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"How we're you able to convince Rugyou (Y/N)?" Akame asked her husband as he started to get comfortable for bed.

"I merely presented him facts about the situation, methods, and the goals of our queen... Nothing more nothing less."

"(Y/N)... You may be a great liar... However I know you better than anyone in this entire world..." Akame said grabbing the cheeks on her husband's face to make him look at her.

"Which is why you won't lie to me ever correct?"

"That's true... And for the record... I wasn't exactly lying. I merely entertained him with a game, some riddles and compared Hinowa with Zuou. The rest is up to Hinowa." 

"I see... (Y/N) Its good to see your going the extra mile for Hinowa." Akame said sitting on the bed waiting for her husband to join her.

"Yea... I really wish you could stay..." He said to her as she hugged him from behind rubbing his back before she rested her head on his back wrapping her arms around his torso holding him tightly.

"Your seeing the visions again haven't you?" Akame asked feeling her husband take a deep breath as his heart started beating at a faster pace. Even though she couldn't see it, she knew about the faces that haunted him.

"This time it's the faces of those I let down... Womyn, Green, Gin, Sakio, Cornelia, Haru, Steven, Mikial, Niki, Ermos, Amy, Natala, Remus..." (Y/N) kept going as the list continued and Akame listened to him intently. Remembering the names as well and why he remembered them.

"He's remembering the one's he lost when he set a plan for a mission. Hey Hey it's ok it's ok." Akame said laying him on her as she wrapped her arms around his head stroking his hair soothing him.

"I don't want to see your face or Hinowa's with them."

"You won't... You'll succeed your a Master Tactician after all."

"And if I don't?... I'm not perfect... People around me die... Or suffer... Like you."

"(Y/N) listen here, Don't do this to yourself ok you need to come back. I'm not suffering because of you... Matter of fact We're blessed to be here despite the circumstances. We found Hinowa your family, and when this is over we'll have a new home, I'll be cured, and we'll have our family. I know your stressed, I know your scared, I know your worried, I see the anxiety developing within you. It's ok (Y/N)... Just let it all out here ok." Akame said smiling down at her husband as he didn't say a word burying himself in her chest as he wrapped his arms around her crying into her chest while she strokes his hair and rubbed his back.

"Even (Y/N) shows weakness... Our troops only see his other more war forged side... If only they knew." Hinowa thought to herself passing by as she watched them through a gap of the doors proceeding to walk to her quarters passing the room (Y/N) uses to plan their next move and hold his equipment.

"Is that... His Sword n Shield?" She stopped to look inside as the glow of the blue weapon shined to her as she went to inspect it.

"You know... Now that I take a good look at it... It looks-"

"Oh Hinowa what're you doing here?" Akame asked opening the door to (Y/N)'s prep room.

"Oh Akame sorry... Where's (Y/N)?"

"He's sleeping... I'm off to get a late night snack. Your looking at Unknown's Claw?"

"Is that what's it called? It reminds me of him... Comforting..."

"(Y/N) did make it to help people... When the time for battle arise he used it to defend his troops to the best of his ability, He and that weapon stood up to the strongest foe we have ever fought. He was able to heal wounds and break curses with it. At least some curses..."

Journey for a Cure (Akame x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now