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Hinowa's Castle.

"Sloppy... Again!"

"Right!" Hinowa said using her sword to get up and take a stance as she and (Y/N) were training together. Collecting herself Hinowa attacked him with a string using the martial arts techniques Akame and her Cousin had taught her and was determined to master.

"Just because you've managed to behead Jinka doesn't mean your free to attack recklessly. Good! keep up with those strikes, make them stronger!" (Y/N) said using his shield to block and push Hinowa back allowing her to strike him again.

"Good! Now make them quick and precise." (Y/N) said avoiding Hinowa's attacks in order for her to move faster and quickly avoid his counter attacks. Doing so Hinowa using her smaller frame compared to her cousin's frame was able to match his speed forcing the Commander to be even more careful as the Young Woman was showing herself to be improving a lot.

Even before Akame had left the group (Y/N) had trained Hinowa brutally, yet with upmost care. And her progress has shown, learning her martial arts and tricks of battle from a Master Assassin and a Master of the Battlefield; she must keep up to learn and adapt. It honestly astonished him how fast Hinowa was progressing especially right now as he was using his shield to block all of her sword attacks using his free hand to make her stumble past him giving her space. Yet after the first few pushed Hinowa had used her free hand to counter this to pull her back into position to attack the Commander again catching him a bit off guard as his student the Queen was forcing him to take step backs as her attacks were starting to breath life of their own making him start analyzing her as if she was an enemy trying to kill him.

Worried The Commander had made an attempt to grapple her to gain me upper hand. But that worked against him; when he spun around her locking his arms around her waist to pick her up he under estimated her flexibility as she brought her legs up to counter the slam (Y/N) would've done using her now more Stable footing She pushed with all her strength making them both Roll on the ground with Hinowa gaining the upper hand as the commander found himself lying on the ground as he then sat up he saw Hinowa charging at him Surprising him that she was already on her feet thrusting her sword at him.

In a moment of pure instinct (Y/N)'s mind had gone completely blank and his body moved on his own. The moment he had came back to his senses he saw he was on top of Hinowa with his hidden blade close to her neck.

"Hah... Hah... Cuz? Are you... Ok?" Hinowa asked as she saw the look on her cousin's face as he retracted his blade and sat next to her taking deep breaths.

"Yea... I'm... Ok... Sorry... Your progressing very quickly." He said getting off her and helping her stand up.

"Well... I have a good Teacher." Hinowa said with a sweet smile.

"Heh... Thanks... All this means our next training sessions will get a lot harder." (Y/N) said crossing his arms and turning his head to hide his smile.

"Hey cuz I wanted to ask you something."

"Hm? Go ahead."

"Physically me and my friends are stronger as you've mentioned before, and Akame without that curse is at another level.."

"Go on."

"It's just that, you seem to be on par with everything we can throw at you. Didn't you also have some sort of enhancement like Akame? If so then how come you say we're stronger?"

"Ah I see... Well the answer is no I never did." (Y/N) said putting his arm behind his back as he gestured Hinowa to follow.

"You see when me and Akame first started our trainings we had to go through... This horrible test... Unfortunately I had almost failed if it wasn't for Akame, her sister, and a few others. Because of that I was assigned into a squad that'll sacrifice themselves to save assets like Akame's squad because of that me and a few others didn't get enhancements like Akame did. Which I'm glad it happened like that cause I feel like I still have room to grow."

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