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"You're so cute when you're sleeping..." Gin said caressing the cheek of Death's Hand Leader as he slept underneath a tree.

"Hm? G-Gin what're you doing here?" (Y/N) asked rubbing his eyes awake.

"Oh nothing... We'll be heading for our next mission tomorrow... I still haven't heard an answer from you." Gin said sitting next to him and taking his book to read herself.

"I thought I already did." (Y/N) said with an unemotional tone in his voice and face showing the usual stoic face Gin knew all too well.

"It was a very vague answer to be quite honest... Besides I know you have feelings for Akame much like Green does."


"And you know her and Green are most likely going to be an item."

"They're more suited for each other than someone like me." (Y/N) said gently grabbing the book from her hand to continue reading if it wasn't for Gin closing it instead.

"If it makes any difference I think you and Akame are perfect for each other... If we don't work out, besides as far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with you." Gin said patting his shoulder before getting up.



"Why take an interest in me? I'm canon fodder for you guys."

"Because you're will to save and protect your friends... The ones you love... That's what drew my attention." Gin smiled at him leaving him at a lost for words.

"Like I said before... Your not getting past me." Dairoku said pointing his sword at Akane as she got up with an agitated face.

"You... You really think I'm going to back down just because you found your flames?! I'm the Higanbana Archon! And you're just a boy playing with fire!" Akane said as the tip of her bangs and the end of her ponytail glowed Green along with her eyes changing from a purple-reddish color to a glowing light green color.

As her body made that sudden changes several more Plant Dragons appeared behind her creating an image of a Plant based Hydra and leaves started to swirl around Akane creating a faint whistling sound that would be soothing if it wasn't for the atmosphere of the battle.

"Dairoku... Can-"
"I can handle her as long as you're watching my back." Dairoku said to his spirit guardian as they both looked at Akane readying themselves for round two.

While the wind blew moving both their hair gracefully as the clouds began to darken in the sky and the smell of rain had started to become heavy while the wind picked up speed and weight. Time had seemed to slow down as the first rain drop fell catching both Dairoku's eye and Akane's eye as they focused on each other gaze until the rain drop had finally splashed on the ground.

With a roar from one of the dragons all the dragons Akane made had charged all together and towards Dairoku tearing through the ground as vines had protruded from the ground in an attempt to pierce through Dairoku. However thanks to Athena's quick awareness, Dairoku was able to quickly react to the vines coming after him cutting them down to size as a counter and setting the dragons ablaze with his new found ability following Athena's instructions.

While he parried the vines and avoided Akane's attacks with her Meihou the rain that fell down on him had created steam clouds due to the heavy rain pouring down. Even though the steam could've been used for cover for Dairoku actually worked against him as Akane took the opportunity to attack very recklessly and in a larger area of effect using the Steam to make her Vine attacks more random and less reactable as it proved to even mix up Athena as she did her best to give Dairoku a heads up.

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