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"You know I've read a book growing up... It was an autobiography of an Adventurer who traveled the world at the behest of their king to gather materials, and hunt the most foul of beast to obtain their valuable parts to make weapons he called himself and his party... Monster Hunters... And you know what now I know what it feels like!" (Y/N) said With his hands on his hips looking at the amount of wealth they made on their trip.

"This is amazing."
"You've done amazing well amazing such rare items." Rugyou said to both Hinowa and (Y/N) as they started walking from the ships treasure hull.

Ever since they departed from Akame they had taken several detours to the land they'll claim to the east, amassing resources, rare items, and freak parts. Not only that (Y/N) had taken this time to learn Wakoku etiquette from Rugyou and what makes each other nation special in their sort of way. Granted it was limited but for someone of (Y/N)'s talents little information can go a very long way.

"I the great genius Mekira-"

"You're quite egocentric..."

"Shall sell them for a high price at the next Port!"

"For everyone on the Sudden Drifter it'll be a major help; After all maintaining a ship like it is very expensive. Plus I can get some books on the nations at the next Port." (Y/N) said holding his chin as he had his helmet on.

"Depending on the cost value I wouldn't suggest it sir (Y/N), even if your desire for knowledge demands it." Rugyou said with a hand on his shoulder.

"Who said I was going to buy them I simply want to... Borrow them."

"Cuz no... "Borrowing"..." Hinowa said with a soft yet stern look.

"Hmph fine." He said crossing his arms looking to the side, she couldn't see it but she had a feeling he was pouting.

"What're we spending so much time earning cash we should hur- Owie!" Tobari said holding her head.

"Patience Tobari have you not learned anything from our past few training sessions?"
"Every endeavor takes money so we should keep making it." Hinowa and (Y/N) said looking at Tobari.


"With all the funds we're massing I do believe it's time to take on some new hands." Saiha said while (Y/N) nodded in agreement.

Black Lake Nation Hirugi Port

"Is it just me or are all the ports we go to peaceful?" Tobari asked as they looked around this Port as it had a nice bright sunny day, and an air or peace coming to their noses.

"The taxes from ports are a country's chief financial resource, the rulers takes good care of them." Rugyou answered walking beside her.

"Not only that ports are usually either the first or last thing anyone would want to seize control of when invading a nation. The strategic value of ports can often turn tides on multiple nations' decisions."

"What is your preference Commander (Y/N)?" Rugyou asked as (Y/N) in his scholar outfit held his chin.

"Depends on context Sir Rugyou."

"Ok... Forward invasion and assault."

"Depending on their naval power it'll be the last place I attack. If they're very reliant on their ports then it'll be the first place I attack and hold down cutting supplies to the rest of the nation."

"Have you ever done so?" Hinowa asked as she looked at her cousin.

"Yes I have, there was a nation separated by water from my previous home not as big as Wakoku as a whole but large enough that they would defend with everything they got. Other Generals I called my peers had difficulty infiltrating their island and didn't want to waste resources with our special units going in and possibly losing weapons that made them so special. Naturally I arose to the challenge because I learned they were supplying a nation I was engaged with for several months. After doing research and spying on them for a week to know the ins and outs of their land my next few attacks were very swift and devastating and a victory for me and my men against both nations came the next day."

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