Murasame Revolt Conclusion

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Over the mountain ranges by Mt. Kiryu the sun was setting on Murasame as crystal clear skies dazzling with the unlimited stars starting to shine in the skies above. As the Light on the mountain slowly faded away, the glow of the moon and stars had seemed to reflect off the trees and mountain side. Spread throughout the mountain's dense forest were blue crystals that protruded from the ground and lit blue as soon as the Sun disappeared from the sky above. The crystals illuminated the mountainside with blue glowing lights creating a galaxy-like image on the mountain. The fireflies also shared that bioluminescence of blue along with the trees as they had trees sparkled with blue dust mostly from the crystals as they were carried by squirrels, foxes, and other small animals that roam the Mountain's forest.

Within the mountain lays a single road that crosses the mountain, and within that path lies a Blue tori gate that branches off the road and goes deeper into the mountainside soon reaching stairs that forged a path through multiple tori gates till the path reached a cave into the mountain, inside the dark cave. Inside the cave were small to massive glowing blue crystals that illuminated the cave inside. Further into the depths of the cave came a large coliseum-like area with multiple crystals coming out of the walls and ground minus a large area.

Inside the Coliseum a massive Reptilian-like beast laid inside. It had heavy black scaled armor all over it's body, massive forearms with large razor sharp and flexible claws, a long tail, razor sharp teeth, and between it's scaly armor blue energy radiated between them with every breath as blue mist blew out it's mouth and nose as it slept. With a sudden rumble of earth inside the cave and mountain the Beast had opened it's eyes reveal a dragon-like pupil yet it was softer open as it emitted blue energy and looked around its home. The Crystals in its cave started to emit a red color outside of its blue luminescence, coating the blue cave in a red and black color.

"So... It has begun..."

"You were able to sense me like him. No wonder ninjas under my command fell to your blade and Yomihime failed to match you." A man said in the darkness as Akame could only see a strange mask.

"You must be Tenrou's Ninja Kururiya. My husband was right you don't hide very well."

"Well enough to plant those explosive ants that took your husband's life."

"So you are responsible... I would take great pleasure in killing you then." Akame said drawing her sword and getting into her signature stance.

"Zuou will reward me greatly for your head. And I never fail a mission." Kururiya said, while two blades appeared in his hands then dangled with chains from his palms.

"Hm." Akame glared at the man readying her sword and getting into her stance.

"Getting straight to the point eh? This Woman is clearly stronger than me and could be faster if she's anything like Commander (Y/N)... Luckily where are exactly where I'll like to be in. This tower has plenty of beams, and pillars for me to navigate around, using my agility to the fullest... Not only that the Sun is setting and Heibi's Trap should be rising up to take out the rioters . There are plenty of Dark parts of this tower for me to use... and when the night comes She won't touch me." Kururiya thought in his head as the lighting inside the tower started to fade slowly with the setting sun.

Without another word to each other Kururiya whipped his Kusarigama at Akame traveling at a fast velocity as the air itself sounded like it was being sliced. Despite how fast it was Akame easily avoided it as it had a very predictable motion to it. When she heard the blades stick to the foundation pillar behind her she sprinted forward to close the gap however Kururiya with a flick of both his wrists caused the chains to flex inside the gap Akame was sprinting in forcing her to leap in the air to avoid the chains sensing those chains are dangerous itself. Leaping up to avoid the chains Akame could see that when the chains are moved in a certain way spikes grew on the chains excreting small drops of a strange liquid.

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