Aftermath Pt 2

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Not long after Heibi Makabe's defeat the Shogun Kaguya had issued an order to those who can fight to exterminate

"Tch where is he?" Akira muttered as he marched around Sakura castle walking past Soukai and Murasame Soldiers as preparations were being made for when his Ice Wall fell.

It has been several weeks since Plum-Blossom Castle's destruction and Heibi's death and things have been very busy for Hinowa and Kaguya as they were in deep negotiations with the Yuugiri Nation and the Shinonome Nation as they worked to build relationships with them as the Tenrou Nation is doing the same with other nations. Needless to say because of this everyone was rather busy, dealing with political challenges, military, technology, etc. For Soukai and Murasame It meant Hinowa had to rely heavily on (Y/N) and Rugyou to have things prepared for the possible three prong attack by Tenrou and its allies. Currently Akira was serving as a Liaison between Soukai and Murasame as he helped Commander Amaya (Kaguya's cousin) and Commander (Y/N) coordinate with each other.

"So Sankai used to have these so called... Spirit Weavers until about a couple of decades ago why?" Dairoku asked, looking at Akane as they walked through a hallway of Sakura Castle.

"Yea only a certain family have the ability to work with their guardian spirits. I believed it had involved a coup but the details are a bit vague and I haven't really researched much into it... Oh Little brother, how are you?" Akane said with an awkward smile to Akira as he paused before nodding back.

"Hey... Sister... And Cheese Head..." Akira said, looking at the two of them.

"Oi what did you say Stiffwood?!" Dairoku replied with an agitated look on his face, not seeing Akane roll her eyes with a smiling scoff.

"Hah... Have you seen (Y/N)? I wanted to ask him about these war plans he and Rugyou came up with. I would ask Rugyou but he headed to Shinonome with Hinowa and Amaya went to the wall to fortify it." Akira said to the two as Dairoku looked at Akane who only shrugged.

"Well I actually haven't seen him all morning. Him or Akame." Dairoku said, crossing his arms.

"For the past few weeks I've seen them in the training grounds and the garden. Have you tried it?" Akane asked, catching Akira off guard.

"Hm... N-No... You're being strangely nice Akane."

"Someone needs to grow up especially when you constantly see two boys constantly bickering." Akane said with a smug smile.

"Excuse me, stubby?"
"You Wot?" Akira and Dairoku said with an agitated look on their faces.

"Case in point. Anyways, cutie if you want to talk more about Sankai history let me know." Akane said, giving a one eye smile to Dairoku.

"Dude... Are you going out with my sister?" Akira asked, feeling a bit creeped out.


"Not yet, but until he decides whether or not to accept my feelings is entirely up to him. I'm enjoying learning about him every day~" Akane said with a sly one eye smile before walking away.


"Huh... What did you do? I've never seen her act like that." Akira asked as Dairoku shrugged and threw his hands down to his side before sighing.

"I... Cut her arm off." Dairoku said, scratching his cheek.

"I-... I'm just... Gonna go..." Akira said after patting Athena's head as he left the two behind.

"Hehehe... Hey at least he's being nicer." Athena said, floating in front of Dairoku as he looked at his left arm. With a twitch of his arm as a small flame consumed it and armor appeared on it then faded into nothingness.

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