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"As predicted... Kyoukotsu's and Yomihime's Siege against Shirunai Fortress was a complete failure and thanks to Akame's letters from Tori I've learned a lot more about Soukai that I needed to... And the skirmish she had with Yomihime definitely confirmed my suspicion that Yomihime wasn't... Or at least half human... Anyways this meeting with the Ten Stars proves what I had thought a couple of weeks ago during their battle... Which is inconvenient because my ship is about to be finished were short ten canons and more than a hundred munitions needed for the Sudden Drifter."

"(Y/N) how are you?" From behind him Yomihime touched his shoulder to earn his attention as the Commander with Tori on his shoulder looked at the young woman.

"I'm doing good Yomihime. Oh are those members of the Ten Stars as well?" (Y/N) asked as he saw a few more figures walking to them.

"Yes allow me to introduce you to them. The man is Gundari of the north and the woman is named Amateru of the east. Gundari, Amateru this is (Y/N) our new naval commander." She gestured for the group as they saw their reflection.

"Your the other foreigner the one who's building that ship named Sudden Drifter was it?" Gundari said as analyzing the young man.

"Indeed Your King wanted me to make a ship superior to the ones native here in Wakoku and I must say the result will be exponential." (Y/N) said bumping his fist in his chest in ahow of confidence.

"He speaks the truth I've seen the ship... It looks frightening." Yomihime confirmed standing next to him as the latter then changed the subject towards Kyoukotsu's death leading into the meeting room where (Y/N) was meet with a kunai really hitting his helmet if he didn't catch it at first.

"Always testing people's abilities aren't you Najasho?" (Y/N) said as the man with an eye patched stared at him.

"You must be the foreigner (Y/N). I must say I'm not impressed."

"And you are?"

"I'm Mizuchi King Zuou's bodyguard."

"Then why are you here aren't bodyguards usually standing around doing nothing?" (Y/N) said earning a few smiles from the surrounding group and one glare from the bodyguard in question.

"Well I wouldn't expect you to understand my position foreigner especially since you've been hanging out with the disgrace of their." Mizuchi said as Yomihime simply looked down gaining (Y/N)'s attention.

"I wouldn't be the one judging body guard after all she's willing to cross the lines of battle. What about you?, you seem very comfortable up here barking all day."

"Why you!"

"Now now lets not get too hasty." A bald monk said stopping Mizuchi from approaching (Y/N).


"You must be the Diplomatic priest of Tenrou it's an honor." (Y/N) said taking out his hand to shake the priest's hand.

"No no the honors all mine... Why don't you take that helmet off I'm sure your quite handsome like Nahashu." Shamon said getting closer to (Y/N)'s helmet.

"I'm married... Also if I need to take my helmet off then tell the ninja who's in front of Mizuchi to take his mask off." The young man said as Mizuchi got scared as a man suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wh- Kururiya when did you get here?"

"Kururiya huh?... Tsuki could hide better. He's been here the entire time."

"Your definitely a scary person (Y/N)." Kururiya said looking his way while the man shrugged.

"Since I'm the odd one out, isn't there supposed to be ten of you guys?" (Y/N) said taking a count of eight people not including himself.

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