Aftermath Pt 1

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"Hrmm Blehhhh!" (Y/N) barfed over an edge of a ravine that was created due to the Kaiser Snakes emergence.

"It's okay to let it all out." Akame said softly patting and rubbing (Y/N)'s back.

"Ugh… Thanks babe… I lov- Hmph! Blehh!" (Y/N) said right before he started throwing up like crazy.

It's been five days since Murasame was freed from Tenrou and Heibi's influence. The extermination of Kaiser Snakes had taken place with (Y/N) leading the effort due to his ability to completely cancel them out. And due to the usage of his shield, it had left him feeling very drained and nauseous.

"I really think you need to take a break squishy." Akame said with a slight smile and blush on her face.

"Squishy? Where did that come from?"

"I'm trying something new. Plus you're so huggable, squishy seems like a cute pet name for my cute and handsome husband." Akame said with an adorable smile on her face.

"Hm I think I lik- Bllleghh! Ugh… I'm going to need a long nap…" (Y/N) said taking a deep breath letting Akame pat his back as he let the last of the vomit go.

"Hey are you ok (Y/N)?" Dairoku asked as he and Akira walked up towards them with Athena sitting on his shoulder and Akira walking up next to them.

"Took us a bit but every single one of the snakes are dead. I think you've earned yourself some rest Shadow." Akira said looking at the man.

"That's good to hear... How is re-reconstruction going?" (Y/N) asked wiping his mouth with a tissue Akame gave him.

"Commander Amaya, Lady Kaguya, and Akane are patching up many of the cracks and foundation of the City. They got two Manabloods of Earth helping them as well. Should be done in the next few hours." Akira said crossing his arms.

"That's good to hear. Any word from Hinowa?" (Y/N) asked, looking a tad bit better.

"Nothing yet, we did send out a message yesterday and they'll most likely be here in a day or so. It did take us four days to reach Murasame City." Dairoku said while Athena nodded her head.

"Well I'm sure she'll come. After all if I had received a message that you died I would've come here as fast as I could." Akame said putting her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Yea... Matter of fact... We should talk later." (Y/N) said calmly looking at Akame as she looked up at him curiously.

"Oh by the way... Who is that little girl on Dairoku's shoulder?" Akame asked pointing at Athena.

"Wait you can see her?"
"Wait you can see her?"
"Wait you can see her?" The three asked Akame even causing Athena to look surprised.

"Has she always been around? I've never seen her before." Akame asked tilting her head curiously.

"Athena has always been with Dairoku. Athena is very surprised you can see Athena." Athena said putting her hands on her hips.

"It must be because Akame's linked with (Y/N). He can see you thanks to the shield." Dairoku said looking at Athena.

"Makes a bit of sense... But somehow I'm not sure if that's the case." Akira said holding his chin until he noticed Akame's tattoos returning.

"Oh I guess you're drained huh squishy?" Akame asked (Y/N) as she could tell he was feeling dizzy.

"Yea... I'm ready for that nap..." (Y/N) said leaning on her trying to keep himself up.

"Well let's escort you to Sakura Castle." Akira said with a small smile on his face.

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