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"So Tenrou and Soukai has these moutain borders for them makes me wonder if I ended up drifting here through this sea would Akame also drifted through this sea and maybe ended in Soukai?.... Yomihime and her troops had already left to claim the whatever castle it is; that leaves me with King Zuou and his unit. being in this camp is somewhat nostalgic... reminds me of my unit and what we've done together, makes me wonder This king of Tenrou... What are his goa-"

"Hello my friend I hope you rested well last night."

"Hello Zuou I could do without the marching of horses in the early morning. I take it Yomihime has been sent out to siege that castle?"

"Shiranui Fortress My friend you know its been a strong point of Soukai for generations I have high hopes for Yomihime however I believe you'll acompli-"

"Who would've ever guessed a King would be so flattering? Your highness I must ask why are you so focused on getting my help?" (Y/N) asked him resting his head on his hand as his visor reflected Zuou's image as the wonderfully dressed man sat in front of him.

"My goal is to unify all of Wakoku as I've told you before except I haven't told the main reason. The people. Not a lot of people can live as well as the people in my Nation and with this power struggle everyone is going through hell one way or another and I want to give everyone that opportunity." Zuou said with a calm emotionless face with (Y/N) could see through.

"Best thing about being a Liar is that you can easily call others out on their bullshit... Though I can't tell him that... What's my play here... From what I felt from him and Yomihime there might be more like them in Tenrou. and the same could be said about Soukai though I haven't met anyone from there and there's a very high chance Akame is there too... If I join his cause then my skills and talents will be used to hurt innocent people, I refuse I'm in a world of trouble with him where I'll have to constantly be watching my back... Then again if Akame made it to Soukai with Rongo Rongo then she'll head to the cave, if nothing else happened... if by chance she is helping the Soukai forces then I'll defect from Tenrou and deal a major blow to their forces with Unknown's Claw... Though what does interest me is what I've heard from the soldiers when walking around the camp... Tenrou is mass producing Meihous for their stronger soldiers I would very much like to sab- I mean learn how its done... Well Zuou I have to say It's very ambitious and I have to say I'm very intrigued... So I'll join your cause for the time being for when your goal is met I'll like to leave and return home..." The Young man said earning a smile from the King.

"I got you now General (Y/N) conquering Wakoku will be a cinch! I thank you My Friend I'll have you serve with Yomhime when she returns." Zuou Said shaking his hand as he looked at his reflection.

"pleasures mine my King. Game On Zuou."


"Your getting a bit better Hinowa!" Akame said holding the Wooden Sword on her shoulders as Hinowa catches her breath.

"Your just too strong Akame... You would definitely make a big difference on the battlefield."

"You shouldn't rush into the battlefield this quickly I know you and your friends have faced pirates before and this first mission of yours could end up being your last."

"You speak from experience don't you... You really have been through a lot." Hinowa said as Akame quietly looked down rubbing her ring.

"Hey Akame... What's your Husband like?" Hinowa asked giving her a smile as she placed her hand on her shoulder giving Akame a warm smile that reminded her of her husband's smile every single time he would raise her spirits.

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