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"To think... You spent nearly weeks to save your friends... Sweet little Kurome... And beautiful... And tasty Akame... I've never liked men but you... Are an exception... You should see the faces of those the Empire tells you to kill. The innocent people that suffers from your hand... It too bad though... From the looks in your eyes your not used to this are you? Take your friend Akame before the gas you attacked with affects her too." Mera said holding her composure until the chemical weapon (Y/N) used to counter her bugs and slowly poison her causing a horrific show of pain with the woman as (Y/N) stayed silent putting a young Akame on his back leaving the area.

"Its funny... That was my first mission and... After that mission when I pushed myself to save Akame and Kurome... Mera's words made me think on a broader scale about the lives I take... And that short time before I formed Death's Hand... I saw that she was right so I had looked at the people I was told to kill... All innocent people that I had forced to kill and the suffering I had cause... I guess that's why I was so eager to help Akame despite my feelings for her when she had defected... Now look at me... On a ship as more innocent people suffer... Makes me wonder why doesn't Soukai's leadership start to back their civilians away, reroute their people to a safe location where Tenrou doesn't know about. Akame has told me about the pirate island they had taken and it's big enough to support a small nation like Soukai... Their King must be an idiot... That's why Tenrou is going to win the war against Soukai... Zuou made sure to crew my ship with men extremely loyal to him fortunately for me I have a few willing to follow me... Come in." (Y/N) said opening his eyes as he sat in his quarters looking at the door as five individuals came in.

"Sir how much longer are we going to wait?" A young man asked as the others nodded into agreement.

"Zakto, Haru, Ciel, Yosuke, and Kazu... Just a little longer trust me you'll know when the times right just be sure to wear this emblem." (Y/N) said giving the men an emblem that looks like the NightRaid's Phoenix.

"Yes sir!" The five said leaving his quarters as the young man looked at the water the Sudden Drifter was on.

"Hm... I wonder if Soukai would be dumb enough to launch a "surprise attack" on King Zuou's Camp... Course if they won't pull back their people or forces, then they are letting their pride be the drive of their tactics and will use a night of a new moon to launch an attack on the camp. Zuou ordered us to let them through... So he's that confident."

"Commander (Y/N)! We have Saryuu Nation Ships advancing to our port side!" (Y/N)'s first in command Haru said as (Y/N) responded with putting his helmet on.

"The Saryuu nation has close ties with Soukai correct?."

"Yes sir."

"Of Soukai falls Saryuu will want nothing to do with Soukai as they'll have to worry about Tenrou themselves... Which means I'll have to send a warning to their fleet and Soukai... Ready the Guns. Light the lanterns, get the Sudden Drifter into firing range but we'll try to ward them off before they get too close." (Y/N) ordered as Haru got the men together getting their ship prepared for a fight as the sails went down to increase the ships speed as he spotted the enemy's ships.

"Fire now!"

"Open fire!" Haru said repeating after (Y/N) as loud shots were fired from the cannons that roared through the quiet night on the water's of Soukai.

"What's that sound?" Hinowa asked as her men and everyone on Soukai's ships sudden grew silent as they heard loud bangs in the distance.

"It sounds... Frightening." Tobari said looking ahead to see where the sounds came from.

"That was cannon fire." Akame said as everyone looked at her.

"The water seems to shift a bit from that direction." Hinowa said watching the waves beneath them rumble.

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