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Loyalty is a common trait many misunderstand. Loyalty simply put is the faithfulness and devotion that a person has to another or a cause. It's a fundamental component in one's character that allows others around them to tell whether or not a person can be reliable or not. Being Loyal to another can come with lots of challenges in a person's life; If that person is able to overcome such challenges their loyalty will be greatly rewarded.

A Soldier's Loyalty to their Nation, will grant them honor and the benefits that nation will give them for they love and die to protect and fight for their nation.

A Husband's Loyalty to his Wife must be unwavering, a Husband shows his Loyalty to his wife by Protecting, Loving, Devoting, Communicating, an Trusting them every step of the way. With this a Wife's Loyalty will be shown by Following, Supporting, Caring, Loving, and bringing their husbands back in their moments of need. This Loyalty to each other will grant them the greatest gift parents are given.... Their Child.

A Parent's Loyalty to their children, will forge the child's loyalty to them so that when the Parent is no longer to protect or take care of them, the child will do it in return.

Loyalty is a strong trait to have. Those whose loyalty has been proven fruitful will be greatly rewarded; if their Loyalty is with the right cause of person.

Loyalty like Love can be very blind and manipulative. Which means it can be broken by betrayal, mistrust, pride, and Greed. When someone's Loyalty is broken they'll begin to lose themselves, they'll get angry, they'll desire revenge, with revenge comes hatred, with hatred comes blood, and with blood... Comes Monsters.

"Akira-Kun! Akira-Kun!" A young girl with Light Blue hair said walking up to the heir of the Makabe Commission as he rested under a Sakura tree.

"Hm?... Oh it's just you... Kaguya-Sama." Akira said sitting up looking at the maiden's smiling face.

"I heard you joined the Altius Commission, You know if you asked my dad you can become a captain instantly, you're a better fighter than me." Kaguya said sitting next to him.

"The Makabe Commission has their own private force for their properties... I want to protect Murasame with the right people, I don't care what my rank is, as long as I'm able to fight for what's right..." Akira said clenching his fist.

"Hehe it is your way of rede- Gah Gah!" Kaguya coughed interrupting her sentence.

"Whoa Kaguya are you ok?" Akira asked starting to get up.

"I'm... Fine Akira... Just allergies..." She said taking a deep breath.

"It's getting worse. And Kazuya and the Yoshiyuki Commission still haven't-"

"It'll be fine Akira... I have the utmost faith in them. Hey..." Kaguya said leaning back and looking at Akira.


"Root for me for the Shogunate Election. Your Father is going to give me the competition of a lifetime." Kaguya said with a smile on her face.

"Considering the facts and the person most worthy to lead Murasame... My father is ill suited." Akira said crossing his arms with a smile.

"Hehe... Good... Also in the future when I get better I'd like you to act as my Kagemusha." Kaguya said standing up letting her hair flow with the wind.

"When I reach the rank Commander... Most definitely."

"Good... I'll look forward to it. My most Loyal soldier."

"Ow ow... This is your guy's training?!" Akira asked pushing Kumehachi off of him.

"No... This is our warm up... And today there's no circle..." Dairoku said while face down in the sand with Tobari on his back.

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