Murasame Revolt (Dairoku)

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Dedicated to Abyssal_Herrscher OC Dairoku.

Dedicated to Abyssal_Herrscher OC Dairoku

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"The Flower is missing a petal... You sure you want to lose another arm Stubby?" Dairoku asked getting into a stance.

"... You want to lose your head?" Akane asked flicking her sword as vines sprouted all around them forming a vine cage.

"Lady Aka-" One of the Guards said before being cut off from the rest from the two.

"You sure you don't want back up?"

"I'm sure..." Akane said by taking a stance, and looking at Dairoku as the two exchanged glares.

Knowing her arrays of attacks and her full use of powers Dairoku felt confident about attacking her head on especially knowing he had Athena to watch his back.

"I'll end this in one strike!" Dairoku said dashing forward while Akane stood still and only smiled at him. The moment he got close to her she dropped her sword causing Dairoku to stop just before his sword was about to connect to her neck.

"What're you doing?" He asked her as she looked up at him with a smile.

"There's no way I'm going to be able to kill you or defeat you... Besides I can't make you my husband if you kill me or if I kill you."

"Excuse Athena what?!"
"Ehhhh?!" Both Athena and Dairoku reacted as Akane held his chin with a flirtatious smile.

"Yep, but I'm a patient woman so I won't expect you to take responsibility now but know I will be making you mine." Akane said with a smug smile pressing her package on his chest.

"Wait hold up! A week ago you were trying to kill me! And now this?"

"It's a change of heart. I'm not lost on the irony buttercup, but I do mean what I said." Akane said taking her hand away from his chin and stepping back.

"But aren't you loyal to Heibi?"

"I was loyal to my father... Until I saw what I was actually worth to him... After you cut off my arm and cauterized my wound I was taken back to Sakura castle where my father saw and showed his compassion about me failing despite being outmatched." Akane said turning around and opening her Kimono to show Dairoku the whipped scars on her back that were still fresh.

"I... Didn't know... But why would anyone do that to their own child?" Dairoku said more shocked than flustered at the woman who had opened her kimono before struggling to put it on with the front slightly opened when she finished.

"My father is named a snake for a reason... But considering your gifts I wanted to help you with something." Akane said as Dairoku looked at Athena who shrugged.

"How can I trust you?" Dairoku asked still on guard.

Seeing how on guard he was Akane walked to a wall of vines and opened it up to reveal an alleyway.

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