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Several weeks have passed since their adventure in Hirugi Port and they have finally made it to their destination. The barren land in the East.

"The Sudden Drifter and the others in our small fleet will arrive in three days." (Y/N) said having his Fire Hawk Tori on his arm.

"Got it. In that case I'll go ashore first and scope out the area, (Y/N), Tobari, Kumehachi, Rugyou, and Mekira I want you to come with me as well." Hinowa said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Saiha keep everyone aboard and safe."

"You got it! If things get too dangerous come on back."

"(Y/N) since you have to most experience navigating through tough terrain mind taking lead?"

"Sure thing. Using the scope in my helmet I can tell there's some difficult terrain ahead; Tobari, Kumehachi be sure to keep tight with Rugyou and Mekira." (Y/N) said as the group entered the rowboat and saw their reflection off his helmet.

"You can count on us."
"Got it."

The beach side they landed on was overshadowed by high cliffs and a ridge they saw that had a circle loop in it. Along the way they found an abandoned castle infested by Soil Spiders showing the rumors of the land being a freak hot spot was true.

"Looks like nothing we can't handle." (Y/N) said tightening Unknown's Claw on his left arm and his sword on his hip.

"Let's keep searching the area." Hinowa said as they did so with (Y/N) guiding them through the difficult terrain even having Kumehachi tree hop to scout for any villages ahead.

"This place is a development dream." (Y/N) said taking notes of the future farm fields and the amount of natural resources this land provides.

"I'm in agreement these trees would provide. Good lumber and paper."
"Also has the base for excellent salt fields." Rugyou and Mekira said looking around the area.

"Salt fields? Such as a Salt Farm?" (Y/N) asked them as they continued through the forest.

"Yes sir are you familiar with Salt Farms?"

"Can't say I am. My folks were fishermen, and I grew up an Assassin." (Y/N) said keeping his guard up.

"Well allow me to tell you the beauty of-"

"Hinowaaaa!" Kumehachi yelled out grabbing their attention.

"I spotted a house, there might be someone living inside of it!"

"Good work I knew I can count on you!"
"He's just good at spying on people."
"Way to put those perverted skills to use!" Hinowa, Tobari, and (Y/N) said giving him their own praises.

"Aw c'mon! Cut me some slack here!" Kumehachi whined climbing down.

"I hear people coughing." (Y/N) said as they approached the village.

"Wait how can you hear it with that helmet?" Hinowa asked not noticing his shield glowing blue.

"Call it... Selective hearing." (Y/N) said going to one of the houses with her next to him.

What he didn't tell her was that in their time at sea and after departing from Akame was that he was developing brand new skills. Skills he didn't even know he could do with Unknown's Claw. The combination trump card was one skill he didn't know he could until he tested it.

"After all old man Kell said this weapon is to heal and defend others... Forming shields can appear however the way I deem fit giving me full imaginative freedom. Unknown's Claw has a fresh and powerful beast core inside of it that's infused with my blood... Esdeath's Teigu allowed her to utilize her own creative freedom... I wonder if I can do the same... But for now let's focus on these people." (Y/N) thought to himself following Hinowa into a house that had a straw like roof on top. The person who let them in was an old and kind man that after (Y/N) scanned him with his eyes the old man didn't appear to be sick; By much other than something swirling in his lungs.

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