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"You know Akira after a day of walking I'm quite surprised we haven't encountered a freak." (Y/N) said looking around pushing his glasses up.

"Really? I thought it was weird when we kept encountering freaks back in Tsutsuji... Or new Soukai." Akira said looking back at the Commander as he had his arms up and his hands behind his head.

"Isn't it just Soukai now? Or no?" Dairoku asked (Y/N) as he only shrugged.

"We had agreed to leave it named Tsutsuji before becoming official with Yuugiri and Shinonome. That's when I think we'll change the nation's name to Soukai... Or new Soukai... But until then it's just Tsutsuji." (Y/N) said hands in his pockets as they continued through what looked like the perfect hills for rice farms.

"You know Athena's really impressed Master (Y/N)." Dairoku's guardian spirit said floating in front of the commander.

"Hm? How so?"

"You're able to change your look from a super cool warrior to a completely harmless and pathetic nerd." Athena said shocking both Akira and Dairoku as they started sweating bullets.

"Well that is the idea. With a plan I can easily change my appearance most suitable to a role. And for interrogations... I can change my voice to sound like whoever I want." (Y/N) said pinching his throat a certain way to make himself sound Hinowa.

"That's... Really scary actually... So you can do any voice?" Dairoku asked nervously looking at the Commander.

"As long as I'm able to hear it and get enough time to tune my voice to match then yes I can. Matter fact I can mimic Athena's voice right now if I wanted to." (Y/N) said with a proud look on his face but continued onward despite Dairoku's and Athena's curiosity to hear it.

"Wait something is wrong." Akira said looking down the road and around as the wind blew softly making the grass and leaves of trees rustle giving the road a silence peace could bring.

"Hey Master (Y/N) I think Ice-boy lost it..." Dairoku said quietly to (Y/N)'s ear.

"Akira what's the matter?" (Y/N) asked the Ice Cold Reaper as he touched the ground noticing the lack of traffic.

"There's supposed to be an Altius Patrol that comes through here... We've should've seen one by now during this time of day." Akira said looking at the sky concerned.

"Akira how far is the nearest village or outpost?" (Y/N) asked him seeing the concern look on his face.

"Just beyond that forest, Fort-Fuji should be there." Akira said as he and (Y/N) rushed to the forest.

"Athena's starting to feel like something is off..."
"Yea... Me too; c'mon let's go." Dairoku said as he and Athena had followed them.

Through the forest the area had smelled of blood all too familiar to the three, The thickness of blood had suggested a battle... No a massacre had taken place. Growing more worried Akira pressed on to the exit of the forest however when they had reached the end of the forest path they had stopped to find several Murasame Soldiers hung at the noose like meat in display, children pinned in the trees by arrows or spears, and young women that looked their age and younger; beaten, clothes ripped, hair disheveled, eyes that showed suffering, mouths a gapped as they laid in pools of blood and other... Liquids. The sight was very horrific for the three young men as the bodies piled on... For Akira and Dairoku they did their best to keep their stomachs from regurgitating however they unfortunate t see that one body that'll push them over the edge. For (Y/N) it's stomach turning indeed... Knowing how bad some people can get he had hoped he never witness anything as inhumane as this ever again... It made him sick, angry, but most of all... It made him sad...

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