Key Nations for next arcs

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Lead by Zuou

The wealthiest Nation out of the now Twenty nations of Soukai. They have the most powerful military might be able to invade multiple nations at once.

For the most part people in the Tenrou Nation live happy and fulfilled lives as men are eagerly joining the military ranks in order to use their talents to Zuou to their highest ability.

They are the biggest manufacturers of Meihous dedicating their soldiers and their elites to them.

Population:  1.7 Million
Military power: 60K + troops
Naval power:
°North Fleet: Fifty ships
°South Fleet: Twenty ships (Courtesy of (Y/N).)

Notable Threats:
Top Priority-
King Zuou
Ten Stars: Akugetsu Tenrou's lead Strategist
Ten Stars: Magatsu Strongest Commander
Ten Stars: Amateru Eastern Commander
Ten Stars: Gundari Northern Commander
Ten Stars: Shamon Tenrou's Diplomatic Priest
Ten Stars: Kururiya Ninja Commander

Low Priority-
Ten Stars: Yomihime Western Commander
Explanation: Yomihime has the potential to be the strongest Ten Star when she's able to get a hold of her Freak abilities. Commander (Y/N) is a clear counter for Yomihime.
Ten Stars: Nahashu Guerilla Commander
Explanation: According to Commander (Y/N) he won't be a direct threat... Wasn't too clear on details.
Ten Stars: Mizuchi Zuou's Bodyguard
Explanation: According to Commander (Y/N)... He's easy pickings.


Lead by King Kindo

A small nation that borders four nations and has an island on the gulf of Dragon's Breath.

They have nice fertile lands, an island for trade and rich with vegetation, massive mountain ranges and wide open spaces. Safe to say the Yuugiri nation relies heavily on trade, their farms, and their mines for their people to live regular lives however thanks to constant battles with the Tsutsuji Nation lots of their resources have been scarce.

Population: 900K
Military might: 12K
Naval Might: a fleet of ten ships


Lead by King Shino

The strongest naval power of the East is close ties with the Yuugiri nation. And despised King Jinka.

Naval power is safe to say they house the biggest fishing vessels in Wakoku and their soldiers are specialized in Water Combat.

People live regular lives of the seas, tourists go for the beautiful beaches and the Mountain city capital is rich in culture.

Population: 1.6 Mil
Military might: 56k
Naval Might: Thirty Ships


Led by Shogun Kaguya.

Life in Murasame is an interesting one. There are Three Factions that help rule Murasame.

The Makabe Commission: Is the trade and distribution power of Murasame. Because of Murasame's poor soil growing crops is very hard which is where the Makabe Commission comes in, they have the very few farms and crop lands necessary for Murasame's survival. Because of this they oversee all of commerce in Murasame, if you want to start a business you'll have to go through them. The only ruling authorities to overtake them is the Shogun and her fiance. Yet rumors have been going around that the Makabe Commission is starting to have ties with the Tenrou Nation even starting to raise prices and taxes on the people of Murasame Claiming it'll be for the war effort.

The Altius Commission: The main fighting force of Murasame's army, police force, and the second biggest Meihou manufacturer after Tenrou. Lady Kaguya the Shogun one of the daughters of the Commission granting them favor with the people to rule over Murasame as her twin brother Kaito watches over Altius's day to day business and the war effort. Due to Murasame's environment they also have a dedicated unit for hunting freaks for their materials since there is a surplus of freaks.

The Yoshiyuki Commission: They are the lead figures of Health and science in Murasame, they discovered the use of Murasame's poor soils to grow medicinal herbs. Surprisingly these special herbs are very potent and only used for certain occasions. They also work hand in hand with the Altius Commission when researching Freaks for medicinal purposes. They are currently working tirelessly to find a cure for the Shogunate.

These factions affect the lives of the normal people in major ways. Especially in day to day operations. However many people will tell you the rural areas of Murasame  can either be more dangerous or peaceful than the city. Though there is something strange within the commonfolk as many are born with elemental abilities. The ones born of this are call Manabloods and are quite rare as the people can only recall a handful of known Manabloods.

Population: 1.6 Mil
Army Strength: 40K Troops
Naval Might: Fleet of Fifteen Ships.

Notable figures:

Shogun Kaguya Altius: Before her illness she was known as the Ruthless Water Queen or as the people call her the Reikokuna mizu no joō. She's a Manablood of water and a deadly Yari user who got her name in the battle between them and the Raika nation where she used the Shian River to drown Two hundred Raika Soldiers as they attempted to raid a village she was guarding. However only two people know that her drowning those soldiers was completely accidental because the force of her attack had knocked the soldiers out and drowned them in the process.

Akira Makabe: The Manablood of Ice and rightful heir to the Makabe Commission after his father Heibi. After an incident many years ago Akira's relationship with the Makabe Commission has been uneasy for unknown reasons since then Akira was the first Makabe to join the Altius Commission and has made waves as one of the youngest and strongest Captains in the Murasame Army. (A/N: Shout outs to TheOneCutKiller)

Kazuya Yoshiyuki: Finance to Shogun Kaguya. He works tirelessly to find a cure for Kaguya's illness, maintain Murasame, coordinate with the Altius Commission, and check in with the Altius Police force.

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